SKI udbyder hermed et dynamisk indkøbssystem vedrørende anskaffelse af it-konsulentydelser indenfor 14 ydelsesområder med tilhørende underområder, delområder og ydelser. Nedenfor er de 14 ydelsesområder med tilhørende underområder angivet. Selve ydelserne der kan anskaffes i de 14 ydelsesområder er beskrevet i detaljer i bilag C Systemets genstand: Ydelsesområde 1: It-relaterede strategier …
TV 2 ønsker med dette udbud at etablere et dynamisk indkøbssystem til ydelser vedrørende storage, netværksudstyr, compute og end user computing.Det dynamiske indkøbssystem er opdelt i 6 kategorier:A. StorageB. NetværksudstyrC. Compute (servere)D. Video EncodningE. Monitorering, styring og interfaceF. End user computingAnsøgende tilbudsgivere vil kunne blive optaget på en enkelt eller …
Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) omfattande IT-konsulter inom olika kompetensområden. Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) omfattande IT-konsulter inom olika kompetensområden.
Magnet JQS (Joint Quaification System) is a portal for supplier qualification. Magnet JQS is used by contractors and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Announcement of a prequalification scheme for A/S Norske Shell and …
A Compliance Management Information System (CMIS) Solution is a comprehensive digital system which supports all aspects of an organisation’s regulatory/compliance/quality management. It is made up of a number of different modules and functionalities, each one enables the user to carry out a specific type of activity, e.g. document management, non-conformance …
The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to support the implementation of Virtual Ward care models via a fully end to end vendor managed solution. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for …
Tämän dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän (DPS) kohteena ovat pilvipalvelut Hansel Oy:n asiakkaille. DPS:n kohde on kuvattu tarkemmin osallistumispyynnössä ja sen liitteissä, erityisesti liitteessä "DPSn kohde".
Evida is establishing, in accordance with Directive 2014/25/EU of 26 February 2014, Article 77, the present system of qualification of IT consultant suppliers. The purpose of the qualification system is to establish a list of qualified suppliers in relation to Evida's needs within the categories of the qualification system. The …
Tenderers are invited to a qualification scheme for Team and project management for Ruter As. While using this scheme, we will request assistance, consultancy and execution of team and project building, team/project management and culture development within digitalisation and IT, as well as HR, Procurements and operator development. This includes, …
Vilans heeft behoefte aan een flexibele schil voor ICT - Online dienstverleningsopdrachten die niet door Vilans zelf uitgevoerd kunnen worden. Het gaat om de volgende profielen: 1. Projectmanager ICT 2. Data engineer 3. Data scientist/ analist 4. Business consultant IT 5. Scrummaster/ agile coach 6. Webanalist 7. Content specialist 8. …