Ziel des Vergabeverfahrens ist der Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung mit (maximal) drei RahmenvereinbarungspartnerInnen je Los betreffend Penetrationstests in 2 Losen: - Los 1: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing Only - Los 2: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing inklusive Lösungsworkshops Der Leistungsgegenstand des Los 1 umfasst neben den allgemeinen Leistungen (sh. Teil …
The contract implies a joint procurement. The contracting authority is purchasing also on behalf of other contracting authorities. The participating institutions are: Banca d'Italia, Via Nazionale 91, Roma, IT 00184, Italy Banco de España, Calle Alcalá, 48, 28014, Spain Banque centrale du Luxembourg, 2, boulevard Royal, L-2983 Luxembourg Central Bank …
Teagasc welcomes submissions from suitably qualified and certified partners to provide penetration testing services, leveraging real-world threat simulations. Teagasc welcomes submissions from suitably qualified and certified partners to provide penetration testing services, leveraging real-world threat simulations.