In 2022, the Contracting Authority set out an ambitious programme for the redevelopment of Senior Cycle, guided by the vision of a Senior Cycle that delivers “equity and excellence for all.” The redevelopment programme included the development of a new subject at Senior Cycle, Drama, Film and Theatre Studies. The …
Marketing kommunikációs szolgáltatások megrendelése a TOP_PLUSZ-3.1.1-21-SB1-2022-00001 azonosítószámú c. projekthez a következők szerint: 1.RÉSZ Marketingszolgáltatások 1.) Arculat kidolgozása, tervezése 2.) Honlap létrehozása 1 db 3.) Honlap aktualizálása 4.) "Média-megjelenés vásárlása a projekthez kapcsolódóan" Kampány- és reklámfilmek: A projekt szakmai céljait erősítő kampányfilm készítése 2 mutációban Rádió hirdetések: 4 db rádiós reklámspot …
La présente consultation porte sur la fourniture et la livraison de fournitures administratives pour les services des communes de NEVERS, CHALLUY, COULANGES-LES-NEVERS, FOURCHAMBAULT, GERMIGNY-SUR-LOIRE et SAINCAIZE-MEAUCE, de la Communauté d'Agglomération de NEVERS et du Centre Communal d?Action Sociale de la Ville de NEVERS, dont la Ville de NEVERS est le …
Fourniture de consommables d'encrage et périphériques informatiques, fournitures de bureau au profit des clients de l'EdA implantés en Martinique Montant maximum annuel 63 750 euros HT Montant maximum annuel 105 000 euros HT
Entitatea contractantă intenționează să încheie un acord-cadru având ca obiect Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative) a) numărul maxim de operatori economici care vor fi parte a acordului-cadru ce urmează să fie …
ATU wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under six (6) lots for Computing Accessories for Teaching and Research for all ATU sites, covering products including but not limited to: VEX Robots and Competition Equipment, Educational Robots, Gaming Equipment (Incl. VR headsets) and Software, Mobile Computing (Including phones, tablets, …
ATU wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under six (6) lots for Computing Accessories for Teaching and Research for all ATU sites, covering products including but not limited to: VEX Robots and Competition Equipment, Educational Robots, Gaming Equipment (Incl. VR headsets) and Software, Mobile Computing (Including phones, tablets, …