The Norwegian Environment Agency intends to enter into a contract with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) for updating figures for emissions from wood burners to air from fuelling air pollution and climate gases (CO, CH4, PM10, PM2.5, BC, PAH, N2O, NOx, CO2, NMVOC, OC, SO2). The update shall …
Alta municipality shall enter into parallel framework agreements without re-opening for technical consultants. It will be possible to enter into a contract for one or several disciplines for 1-3 tenderers for each discipline. Technical consulting services See the tender documentation See the tender documentation See the tender documentation See the …
Upphandlingen omfattar ramavtal av tekniska konsulter inom miljö. Upphandlingen är uppdelad i nedanstående anbudsområden: Anbudsområde 1 - Dagvatten Leverantören ska tillhandahålla konsulter med kompetens inom dagvatten, hydrogeologi och vattenskydd. Anbudsområde 2 - Markmiljöteknik Leverantören ska tillhandahålla konsulter med kompetens inom markmiljötekniska undersökningar inklusive förorenad mark, miljö- och hälsoriskbedömningar samt porgasmätningar …
This procurement's aim to appoint one person as a Team Leader for the EU-component of the Sida-financed project “Institutional cooperation on EU-accession in the environment and waste sector”. This procurement's aim to appoint one person as a Team Leader for the EU-component of the Sida-financed project “Institutional cooperation on EU-accession …
Tóchar Midlands Wetland Restoration seeks proposals for the provision of services to develop, implement and monitor a restoration plan for Pollardstown Fen SAC. The contract is for 22 months from March 2025 to December 2026. Pollardstown Fen is an extended wetland complex, located close to Newbridge, within the Curragh sand …
The development of Predictive Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping for two Pilot Sites in Ireland, using methodologies recommended in the “Review of Methodologies for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (RMCEHM) – Final Technical Report”. The development of Predictive Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping for two Pilot Sites in Ireland, using methodologies recommended in …
Etudes environnementales réglementaires au profit du CHU DE BORDEAUX Etudes environnementales réglementaires au profit du CHU DE BORDEAUX
The Development Department in Bergen municipality is among West Norway's largest developers. We have a total development portfolio of approx. NOK 15 billion, with approx. 90 projects in different phases. The Development Department is considering to procure a project hotel. The agency would like to engage in dialogues with the …
Deliver an Environmental Awareness and Biodiversity Programme in Leitrim working on a cross border basis Deliver an Environmental Awareness and Biodiversity Programme in Leitrim working on a cross border basis
Het ketendoorbraakproject “Elektrische en Elektronische Apparaten” richt zich op de circulariteit van apparaten voor de consumentenmarkt met als doel de milieu impact en het grondstoffengebruik van elektrische en elektronische apparaten in 2030 sterk te hebben teruggebracht. Dit doordat zoveel mogelijk elektrische en elektronische apparaten: - tweedehands of refurbished worden aangeschaft …