The aim of the procurement is that the Norwegian Railway Directorate shall have a contract with several tenderers who can assist with the need for extra resources within project assistance, revenue distribution, method development and various analysis and strategy work within data. See Annex 1 in the SSA-O annexes. See …
Předmětem plnění této veřejné zakázky (dále i „VZ“) je sjednání rámcové dohody (dále samostatně též jako „Rámcová dohoda“) obsahující smluvní podmínky pro plnění jednotlivých dílčích zakázek na poskytování konzultačních služeb ve věcech IT v rámci projektu NPO - 3.1 DIGI. Přesné vymezení Předmětu veřejné zakázky a ostatní požadavky na jeho …
The contracting authority intends to enter into a contract with 1 tenderer to cover our need for consultancy services within strategy and performance management. Boligbygg needs assistance both for advice and possibly access to competence in the areas listed below: - Strategy and business development - Performance Management - Organisation …
Die München Klinik gGmbH (nachfolgend MüK) ist das größte Klinikunternehmen der Region und bietet Medizin auf höchstem Niveau im Herzen Münchens. Jährlich lassen sich rund 150.000 Menschen stationär und weitere 170.000 ambulant behandeln - aus München, aus der Region und aus der ganzen Welt. Auch in der Notfallmedizin ist das …
The competition is for a framework agreement for consultancy services for construction assistance and process management. The contracting authority is responsible for obtaining the courts good and functional premises and has, in this connection needs for external assistance and process management. This occurs at the rent of premises - either …
L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par la conclusion de marchés subséquents. Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par la conclusion de marchés subséquents. Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires
Remote Sensed Analyst Remote Sensed Analyst
Statsbygg requests, in connection with project 1004501 Life Sciences, for tenders for the assignment: Consultant handover. KStatsbygg shall enter into a contract with 1 consultant. Each tenderer will be able to offer up to 2 candidates. The candidates will be assessed separately. It is not possible to provide a team. …
The competition is for the procurement of a framework agreement for consultancy services for general consultancy and project administration. The services that shall be provided are primarily consultancy and project management within DA's various disciplines. Project management will normally include responsibility for budget, function/quality and propulsion. Projects can be streamlining, …
Carlow County Council on behalf of the LEO Network is requesting suitable Administrative and Project Co-ordinator for a period of up to 5 years a professional services co-ordinator who will co-ordinate the Local Enterprise Village at the National Ploughing Championships. Carlow County Council on behalf of the LEO Network is …