In 2022 the EMCDDA launched a e-learning platform called PLATO (Practice Training Platform) to initially host the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC). PLATO is a multilingual integrated platform designed to facilitate e-learning and exchange through a virtual community of practice (VCP). The e-learning platform enabled faster, broader and virtual access to …
The Ministry of Education and Research wants an evaluation that looks at the effects of Norwegian participation in the EU's framework programme for research and innovation from 2019 to 2025 and a socio-economic analysis of the potential dividend of Norwegian participation in the research and innovation cooperation in the next …
The Department of International Cooperation at the Research Council of Norway (RCN) is inviting competition through open tender for a contract for the procurement of courses for the current European Framework Programme Horizon Europe and next Framework Programme (for now called FP10). Norwegian participation in Horizon Europe and the next …
SRFT for Provision of Screening for Appropriate Assessment/Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Future Framework Policy Statement SRFT for Provision of Screening for Appropriate Assessment/Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Future Framework Policy Statement
SRFT for the provision of technical advisory services to assess the potential to deploy offshore renewable energy including floating offshore wind at scale in Ireland for DECC SRFT for the provision of technical advisory services to assess the potential to deploy offshore renewable energy including floating offshore wind at scale …
SRFT Strengthening Energy Regulation Oversight for DECC SRFT Strengthening Energy Regulation Oversight for DECC
SRFT for Tenders for the provision of services to conduct a comprehensive cost benefit analysis on data procurement and survey programmes supporting Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) and other adhoc projects for DECC SRFT for Tenders for the provision of services to conduct a comprehensive cost benefit analysis on data procurement …
NFD would like to have an evaluation of Green Platform, i.a. to have a better knowledge basis for further installation of the scheme. The evaluation ought to include the following elements: - Assessment of collaboration costs and gains, both for the policy participants and the applicant consorties, in the short …
SRFT for the development of a “National Hydrogen Programme 2024- 2030” to oversee the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy actions and wider ambitions for DECC SRFT for the development of a “National Hydrogen Programme 2024- 2030” to oversee the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy actions and wider ambitions …
Nach der mit dem Krankenhausversorgungsverbesserungsgesetz (KHVVG) neu eingeführten Vor-schrift des § 137m SGB V werden zugelassene Krankenhäuser im Sinne des § 108 SGB V verpflich-tet, eine bedarfsgerechte ärztliche Personalausstattung für die ärztliche Behandlung im Kranken-haus sicherzustellen. Eine angemessene Personalausstattung spielt sowohl für die Qualität der Be-handlung im Krankenhaus als auch …