On behalf of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Norad is conducting a RFI to gain more insights and knowledge on how a shared future solution for digital grant management for both MFA and Norad could be. The digitalization of grant management …
Die Ausschreibung dient der weiteren Umsetzung der Strategie Gemeinsam Digital Berlin und der Durchführung der damit verbundenen Workshop-Formate. Im Mittelpunkt der Beauftragung steht die Organisation, Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung von Online- und Offline-Workshops. Die Grundlage hierfür bietet der im Rahmen der Strategieentwicklung konzipierte sog. Vorprozess. Die Ausschreibung dient der weiteren …
In-country Support Services – South East Europe and Türkiye The ETF is seeking a provider who is able to provide support services for ETF activities in the countries of South East Europe and Türkiye (namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye). The service provider will …
La consultation est lancée sous forme d'appel d'offres ouvert selon les articles R2161-2 à R2161-5 et R.2162.1 et suivants du code de la commande publique. Le marché est conclu par voie d'accord-cadre fixant toutes les stipulations contractuelles (exécuté au moyen de bons de commande) et à prix unitaires avec un …
The Civil Society Fund (CSF) is the Department’s main funding scheme for NGO overseas development projects. Applications are open on an annual basis from Irish NGOs – mainly small to medium sized organisations - and invited international NGOs. The Civil Society Unit (CSU) within the Development Cooperation Division of the …
Several roads in Norway have, among other things, challenges with frequent closures in the winter season due to weather and driving conditions (so-called "weather-prone stretches"). This leads to challenges for accessibility and predictability for users of the road network. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration would therefore like to carry out …
Procedura di gara aperta telematica di rilevanza comunitaria, ai sensi degli artt. 14, 25 e 71 del D.Lgs. 36/2023, per la conclusione di un Accordo Quadro Quadriennale e successivo confronto competitivo con 3 operatori economici, per l’affidamento di servizi di “Assistenza tecnica per l'attuazione dell’Accordo per la Coesione della Regione …
A Public Service Apprenticeship Advisor to further progress the commitment set out in the ‘Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025’ to grow the number of apprenticeship registrations across the public service, including local authorities, to reach 750 annual registrations by 2025. The successful tenderer will be expected to be the central …
Serviços para reformulação do atendimento dos serviços públicos, bem como a realização das medidas relacionadas com a interoperabilidade na Administração Pública e as estratégias e programas de transformação digital da Administração Pública, incluindo as vertentes de acessibilidade digital e dados abertos Serviços para reformulação do atendimento dos serviços públicos, bem …
El objeto del presente contrato consiste en el apoyo experto para el desarrollo y ejecución de la Estrategia y el mapa de demanda temprana de la Actuación 4 (Soluciones para el sector público), Actuación 5 (Soluciones para INCIBE), Actuación 6 (Soluciones de Formación) y Actuación 7 (Pequeños proyectos) de la …