Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Ballyliffin Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling …
Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Dunaff, Clonmany Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural …
Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Kinnea, Clonmany Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural …
Construction de 40 logements locatifs sociaux, 37 logements en BRS, un Domicile Partagé et une Maison d'Assistantes Maternelles - Square Morbihan à Vannes Terrassement - VRD Gros œuvre Ossature bois - charpente bois - bardage bois - ITE Couverture bac acier Etanchéité Menuiseries extérieures Serrurerie Cloisons sèches - Isolation - …
Dynamický nákupní systém na „Stavební a udržovací práce na objektech Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka“ (dále jen „DNS“) bude využito pro jednodušší stavby a běžné plnění opakujícího se charakteru. Nebude využito pro zakázky komplexního charakteru jako jsou větší stavební celky, výstavba nových budov ani velkých rekonstrukcí stávajících budov. Předmětem tohoto dynamického nákupního …
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (LGOPC), acting as a central purchasing body under the auspices of Kerry County Council, is co-ordinating the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System of Economic Operators for Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties on behalf of Contracting Authorities. The DPS is …