Obras de construcción de 33 viviendas y aparcamiento en la calle Indústria, en el municipio de Olesa de Montserrat Obras de construcción de 33 viviendas y aparcamiento en la calle Indústria, en el municipio de Olesa de Montserrat
Karlshamnbostäder AB är ett kommunalägt bolag som äger och förvaltar allmännyttiga bostäder inom karlshamnskommun. Karlshamn kommun har samlat alla sina helägda bolag inom koncernen Stadsvapnet i Karlshamn AB. Bolagen ägs till 100 procent av Karlshamn kommun och kommunfullmäktige utser styrelse och ger ägardirektiv för bolagen. Som kommunalt bostadsbolag har vi …
Galway City Council and Galway County Council wishes to establish a Multi Party Framework Agreement for the delivery of Works Contracts with Values up to €5,000,000. This is a 2 stage process restricted process. Stage 1 is pre qualification and stage 2 is the tender submission. The contract for stage …
Tender for Refurbishment of Existing Dwelling Tender for Refurbishment of Existing Dwelling
Multi-party framework for Architect Led Integrated Design Team to deliver Detailed Design, Tender Action, Construction and Handover Works for building projects for Monaghan County council. Multi-party framework for Architect Led Integrated Design Team to deliver Detailed Design, Tender Action, Construction and Handover Works for building projects for Monaghan County council. …
Gegenstand dieser Ausschreibung sind aller erforderlichen Planungs-, Beratungs- und Bauleistungen, die zur kompletten Herstellung funktions- und gebrauchsfähiger, den aktuellen öffentlich-rechtlichen Bestimmungen und den allgemeinen anerkannten Regeln der Technik entsprechender Bauwerke nach den Vorgaben der funktionalen Leistungsbeschreibungen erforderlich sind. Dies inkludiert alle Planungs- und Objektüberwachungsleistungen der Leistungsphasen 5-9 HOAI nach Vorgaben …
New 45 Unit Housing Development at Mountain View, Cahir, Co. Tipperary for Tipperary County Council on existing green area along with associated works to green open space and adjacent services to allow the development. New 45 Unit Housing Development at Mountain View, Cahir, Co. Tipperary for Tipperary County Council on …
Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Knockbrack Listellian Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 3-bedroom rural …
Demolition and removal of existing residential structure and construction of a new single-storey rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Trentaghmucklagh, St Johnston Co. Donegal. The associated site works, and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: demolition of a fire-damaged structure, protection of existing site entrance and driveway, replacement …
Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling for Donegal County Council at Ballyliffin Co. Donegal. The associated site works and services consist of the following non-exhaustive list: formation of a new site entrance, driveway, on-site packaged wastewater treatment system, boundary fencing and landscaping. Construction of a single-storey, 4-bedroom rural dwelling …