The ESM is launching a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as defined in the ESM Procurement Policy for consultancy services. Candidates can apply to the DPS at any time during the validity of the DPS, which is 4 years. The selected Candidates will sign a Framework Agreement with ESM with an …
Struer Kommune ønsker at konkurrenceudsætte sine daglige bankforretninger, Struer Kommune ønsker at konkurrenceudsætte sine daglige bankforretninger,
The ESM is launching a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as defined in the ESM Procurement Policy for consultancy services. Candidates can apply to the DPS at any time during the validity of the DPS, which is 4 years. The selected Candidates will sign a Framework Agreement with ESM with an …
Das Internationale Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC Berlin), Höhepunkt der High-Tech-Architektur in Deutschland, liegt sehr gut angebunden im Westen der Berliner Innenstadt. Als Europas größtes Kongresszentrum war dieser international bekannte und beliebte Ort, vor seiner Überführung in den Stillstandsbetrieb im Jahr 2014, ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Messe- und Kongresslandschaft in der …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …
The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration. The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of vehicles including vehicle administration for zone 1: Hallingdal which consists of the following municipalities: Flå kommuneÅl kommuneHol municipalityGol municipalityHemsedal municipalityNesbyen kommuneHallingdal fire and rescue IKS The procurement concerns leasing and procurement of …