The Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Presentation Secondary School,,Loughboy,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
The Board of Management of CBS Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to CBS Secondary School,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
The Board of Management of Boherbue Comprehensive School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Boherbue Comprehensive School,Boherbue,Mallow, Co Cork before end of August …
Dotarea cu materiale didactice necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a procesului de predare-învățare-evaluare a unor unități de învățământ preuniversitar (Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficiențe Auditive Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Râmnicu Sărat – încadrate în categoria învățământului profesional și tehnic și …
Dostawa wyposażenia medycznego Wymagania Zamawiającego dotyczące przedmiotu zamówienia: 1) oferowany produkt leczniczy, wyrób medyczny musi posiadać atesty, certyfikaty i być zarejestrowany zgodnie z przepisami prawa wymagającymi posiadania atestów, certyfikatów oraz rejestracji, 2) oferowany wyrób medyczny musi być wprowadzony do obrotu i używania zgodnie z wymaganiami ustawy o wyrobach medycznych, 3) …
Supply Tender For The Design And Installation Of An Obstacle Course In An Environmentally Friendly Manner, Play Equipment And Safe Surfaces At Sant'Antnin Park, Marsascala - Project Green Supply Tender For The Design And Installation Of An Obstacle Course In An Environmentally Friendly Manner, Play Equipment And Safe Surfaces At …
De gemeente Overbetuwe is voornemens het inspecteren, onderhouden, vervanging en aanschaf van de sportinventaris van de binnensportaccommodaties aan te besteden en hiervoor een raamovereenkomst met één opdrachtnemer af te sluiten. Het inspecteren en onderhouden van deze inventaris geeft de gemeente inzicht in de inventaris, de staat van de inventaris en …
Dorind să beneficieze de finanțarea alocată prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență, apelul de proiecte dedicat dotării cu mobilier, materiale didactice și echipamente digitale a unităților de învățământ preuniversitar și a unităților conexe, UAT Județul Arad a pregătit proiectul ”Dotarea cu mobilier, materiale didactice și echipamente digitale a unităților …
Siehe Losbeschreibung Glasprallschutzwand 30 m² Glasprallwand inkl. Stahlunterkonstruktion in Turnhalle, befestigt auf Betonbodenplatte, Höhe ca. 2,60 m, unterteilt in verschieden breite Glasprallelemente
Im Rahmen des Förderprogramms "Gute Schule 2020" wird die Hövelschule saniert. Die Schule befindet sich im laufenden Betrieb, sodass die Baumaßnahme in Bauabschnitten durchgeführt werden muss. Die vorliegende Ausschreibung beinhaltet die Ausstattung für die Turnhalle. Detaillierte Informationen sind den Ausschreibungsunterlagen zu entnehmen. Bodenhülsen, Sportgeräte Hallendecke, Feste Sport- und Wandgeräte, Umkleidebänke, …