The Board of Management of Presentation Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Presentation Secondary School,,Loughboy,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
The Board of Management of CBS Secondary School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to CBS Secondary School,Kilkenny before end of Spring 2025.All goods …
The Board of Management of Boherbue Comprehensive School (the contracting Authority)invites tenders("Tenders") to this call for tenders(CFT) from economic operators ("Tenderers") for the supply of goods as described in this CFT.The goods are to required to be delivered and installed to Boherbue Comprehensive School,Boherbue,Mallow, Co Cork before end of August …
Request for Tenders dated the 27/01/2025 for the supply of resources, equipment and materials including books and games, assessment kits and audio- visual learning resources pertinent to the area of special education. Request for Tenders dated the 27/01/2025 for the supply of resources, equipment and materials including books and games, …
Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Ordregiver at indhente tilbud på levering af idræts- og genoptræningsudstyr. Udbuddet omfatter ikke indkøb af træningsmaskiner.Produkterne indkøbes af alle enheder i Københavns Kommune, og den nærmere afgrænsning af produktsortimentet kan læses i bilag 1 Teknisk specifikation og bilag B Tilbudsliste.Ordregivers krav til kontraktvilkår fremgår af kontraktudkastet …
SKI udbyder rammeaftale 10.01 Sportsrekvisitter, der vedrører standardiseret sortiment af sportsrekvisitter til voksne, unge og børn primært målrettet skoler og institutioner, som kan anvendes til idræts- motorik- og læringsaktiviteter. Rammeaftalen er en frivillig aftale, der kan anvendes af alle kunder, der har abonnement til SKI på det tidspunkt, hvor udbudsbekendtgørelsen …