Dear Madam/Sir, ICMPD is currently out to tender for the Supply of ICT equipment in the scope of the BOMCA 10 ICMPD, Kyrgyzstan. Potential candidates that would like to take part in this tender process are invited to "Express Interest" upon which they will be given access to the full …
L’oggetto del dialogo competitivo, da appaltare in un unico lotto, è l’acquisizione di sistemi di simulazione di nuova generazione procedurali e dinamici (full motion) inglobati in un sistema unico e integrato di simulazione, non funzionalmente divisibile. Nello specifico, la procedura è finalizzata a individuare, con gli operatori economici, le migliori …
Negotiated procedure for RAC Control Strategy for New AHU's in OT's Negotiated procedure for RAC Control Strategy for New AHU's in OT's
service uniform" Service uniform
Firefighting equipment Firefighting equipment
Equipment for the USAR team Equipment for the USAR team
Self-contained breathing apparatus Self-contained breathing apparatus
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa ciężkiego samochodu ratowniczo-gaśniczego wraz z wyposażeniem dla Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej w Kostomłotach Drugich. 2. Przedmiot zamówienia obejmuje: Przedmiot zamówienia opisano szczegółowo w Szczegółowym Opisie Przedmiotu Zamówienia – Opis techniczny załącznik nr 1 do SWZ. 1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa ciężkiego samochodu ratowniczo-gaśniczego wraz z wyposażeniem …
The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency invites tenderers to submit a tender in a negotiated procedure (two stage procedure), which applies to R01683 - Security material for the egenproduksjon_V2. Qualification has been announced before, cf. Doffin ID 2024-117388. The qualification is cancelled as it did not give enough qualified for a …
Håndgranater Håndgranater