The contract includes deep stabilisation, crushing milling and asphalting of county roads in Vestland County in accordance with the attached 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contract includes deep stabilisation, crushing milling and asphalting of county roads in Vestland County in accordance with the attached 'Quantity summary and list …
Predmet nabave je nabava asfalta podijeljena u dvije grupe, sukladno tehničkim specifikacijama iz Prilog 1 - Tehnička specifikacija za grupu 1. – Asfalt FCO Naručitelj te Prilog 2 - Tehnička specifikacija za grupu 2. – Asfalt FCO Ponuditelj, koje su sastavni dio ove Dokumentacije o nabavi. Predmet nabave je nabava …
Předmětem plnění této veřejné zakázky je v roce 2025 dodávka: - cca 520 t kationaktivní asfaltové emulze pro ruční výspravu vozovek tryskovou metodou, specifikace C 60 B4 nebo C 60 B5 - cca 50 t kationaktivní asfaltové emulze pro udržovací nátěry vozovek, specifikace C 65 B3 nebo C 65 B4 …
Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky je dodávka teplé obalované drtě ACO 8, ACO 11, ACO 16, ACO11+, ACO 16+, ACL 16+, ACL 22+ a ACP 22+ v předpokládaném množství viz tabulka v zadávací dokumentaci. Dodávka teplé obalované drtě pro cestmistrovství Domoradice Dodávka teplé obalované drtě pro cestmistrovství Milevsko Dodávka teplé obalované …
The contract includes works on National and European roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of stretches'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on National and European …
Предметът на обществената поръчка е доставка на строителни материали и готови бетонови изделия за нуждите на Община Димитровград. Предметът на поръчката е разделен на 5 обособени позиции, както следва: Обособена позиция №1: „Инертни материали“; Обособена позиция №2: „Цимент“; Обособена позиция №3: „Асфалтобетон“; Обособена позиция №4: „Готови бетонови изделия – павета“; …
The contract work includes renewing the wearing course with creation and accompanying work. The contracts are for county roads in accordance with the attached report 'Quantity summary and list of stretches' per contract. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The …
Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract comprises 145,000 m2 milling and 31,200 tonne production …
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports " Overview of asphalt contracts" and "Quantity summary and list of sections". The contractor is responsible to familiarise themselves with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract comprises 172,000 m2 milling and 33,000 tonnes …