La présente consultation a pour objet les prestations de Démolition en urgence du bateau ANITA. Les prestations de dépollution, délestage et démolition du bateau ANITA comprendront notamment : - le nettoyage de l?ensemble du bateau, - le désamiantage des matériaux et produits contenant de l'amiante, - la démolition de la …
FMA requires environmental mapping, environmental clearance and technical clarification of former Norwegian Coast Guard vessels from the Norwegian Armed Forces as target vessels. The prequalification shall map and qualify interested tenderers for submitting tenders for environmental mapping and environmental clearance and implementation of the necessary changes on one (1) vessel …
FMA requires environmental mapping, environmental clearance and technical clarification of former Norwegian Coast Guard vessels from the Norwegian Armed Forces as target vessels. The prequalification shall map and qualify interested tenderers for submitting tenders for environmental mapping and environmental clearance and implementation of the necessary changes on one (1) vessel …
As a part of the administration there is sometimes a need to remove boats from inner Oslofjord. The boats can be displaced or wrecked and where the owner cannot be identified and charged for the removal of the boat. As long as these boats remain in the fjord areas, this …