The project comprises the development of approximately 1.1kms of a scenic recreational walking and cycling trail along the route of the Narrow-Gauge Railway line which runs from the R207 Dowra Road across Convent Avenue and linking back to the R208 Ballinamore Road through farmland, Drumshanbo, Co Leitrim. The project comprises …
The works are to consist of the following as set out within the accompanying works package; 1- Demolition, removal and storage of sections of existing stone boundary wall, 2- Demolition, removal and disposal of existing piers to trailhead, 3- Felling and removal of 7 No. existing trees from the site …
This project is comprised of the installation of cycleway road markings, access controls for cycleway, maintenance of verges, drainage, minor earthworks and pavement reconstruction, Verge trimming, establishment, maintenance and removal of traffic management and collation of information for inclusion in the safety file for the project. The full scope of …
Obras de conservación y limpieza de arroyos en los tramos que discurren por suelo urbano en el término municipal del Ayuntamiento de Piélagos. Lote 1. Conservación y limpieza de arroyos.
This notice supplements previously published notice from Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica – 2 SP. Z o.o. 2022/S 171-485697 (Works). This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order to increase transparency and knowledge about Ørsted Entities' purchases in EU tender procedures. This notice relates to the Contracting Entity’s project for …