Betriebliche Qualitätskontrolle

TenneT qualification system for quality assurance for latticed steel towers

Qualificationsystem for the quality assurance of latticed steel towers, factory coating and load securing in connection with the production of latticed steel towers.

CPV: 44212220 Masten und Pfähle, 44212221 Masten (für Leitungen), 44212222 Elektrizitätsmasten, 44212224 Freileitungsmasten, 44212226 Strommasten, 65310000 Stromversorgung, 71730000 Betriebliche Inspektionen, 71731000 Betriebliche Qualitätskontrolle
TenneT qualification system for quality assurance for latticed steel towers
TenneT TSO GmbH

Germany-Bayreuth: Industrial quality control services

2023/S 050-145775

Qualification system – utilities

This notice is a call for competition


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: TenneT TSO GmbH
National registration number: Amtsgericht Bayreuth: HRB 4923
Postal address: Bernecker Straße 70
Town: Bayreuth
NUTS code: DE Deutschland
Postal code: 95448
Country: Germany
Contact person: Heiko Bärnreuther
Telephone: +49 921507404896
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.3) Communication
Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.6) Main activity

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:

TenneT qualification system for quality assurance for latticed steel towers

II.1.2) Main CPV code
71731000 Industrial quality control services
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
44212220 Pylons, poles and pickets
44212221 Pylons
44212222 Electricity transmission pylons
44212226 Electricity poles
65310000 Electricity distribution
71730000 Industrial inspection services
44212224 Poles for carrying overhead lines
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: DE Deutschland
II.2.4) Description of the procurement:

Qualificationsystem for the quality assurance of latticed steel towers, factory coating and load securing in connection with the production of latticed steel towers.

II.2.5) Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.8) Duration of the qualification system
Indefinite duration
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1) Conditions for participation
III.1.9) Qualification for the system
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification:

Access to the qualification system (TQS):

Participation in the TQS is via the bidding platform . Interested candidates can register free of charge on this platform. Participation in the TQS is then carried out via the link:

Once the non-disclosure agreement has been confirmed, the applicant is given access to the first stage of the TQS: the ‘questionnaire’. The candidate must answer the questions asked in the questionnaire in the Negometrix.

Further detailed explanation of the TQS and the minimum requirements for the candidate is given in the questionnaire.

III.2) Conditions related to the contract
III.2.2) Contract performance conditions:

The condition for the execution of a contract in the first step is the successful qualification via the Negometrix bidding platform (see number III.1.9) for further details on accessing the awarding platform).

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description
IV.2) Administrative information
IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
German, English

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information:
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review body
Official name: Regierung Mittelfranken — Vergabekammer Nordbayern
Postal address: Postfach 606
Town: Ansbach
Postal code: 91511
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 981531277
Fax: +49 981531837
Internet address:
VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures
Official name: Regierung Mittelfranken — Vergabekammer Nordbayern
Postal address: Postfach 606
Town: Ansbach
Postal code: 91511
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 981531277
Fax: +49 981531837
Internet address:
VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Official name: Regierung Mittelfranken — Vergabekammer Nordbayern
Postal address: Postfach 606
Town: Ansbach
Postal code: 91511
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 981531277
Fax: +49 981531837
Internet address:
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: