Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage

THE CCS FUND With the agreement on a strengthened framework for CCS in Denmark (in Danish: “Aftale om styrkede rammevilkår for CCS i Danmark”) of 20 September 2023, a majority of the Danish Parliament decided to merge the second phase of the CCUS fund and the GSR fund into one …

CPV: 90700000 Dienstleistungen im Umweltschutz, 90720000 Umweltschutz
Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA)

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : The Danish Energy Agency (DEA)
Legal type of the buyer : Central government authority
Activity of the contracting authority : Environmental protection

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage
Description : THE CCS FUND With the agreement on a strengthened framework for CCS in Denmark (in Danish: “Aftale om styrkede rammevilkår for CCS i Danmark”) of 20 September 2023, a majority of the Danish Parliament decided to merge the second phase of the CCUS fund and the GSR fund into one combined fund, the “CCS Fund”. In June 2024, a political decision was made to deploy the CCS Fund through one single competitive bidding process. This call for tenders concerns the deployment of the CCS Fund. The purpose of the CCS Fund is to achieve CO2 emission reductions and/or negative emissions by Storing Fossil CO2 and/or Biogenic CO2 or Atmospheric CO2. The overarching aim of the CCS Fund is thus to contribute to the realization of Denmark's climate targets as outlined in the Danish Climate Act (in Danish: “Klimaloven”). THE CONTRACT(S) The Danish Energy Agency (the DEA) wishes to enter into one or more contract(s) pursuant to which the recipient(s) of the subsidies (each recipient “the Operator”) shall ensure and be responsible for achieving the CO2 emission reductions and/or negative CO2 emissions (“the Contract”). As described in the tender documents, the Operator shall each year from 2030 until (and including) 2044 capture and permanently, geologically store a fixed quantity of CO2 (“Annual Quantity”). The Operator may also offer to capture and Store CO2 from 1 January 2029 at the earliest until (and including) 31 December 2029 (“2029-Quantity”). The Operator may base their project on CO2 capture from one point source or direct air capture plant, a combination of point sources or direct air capture plants or a portfolio of several point sources or direct air capture plants. The Operator may be any economic operator or a group of operators willing to assume the responsibility for achieving the CO2 emission reductions and/or negative CO2 emissions in accordance with the Contract by performing the Contract by itself and/or by engaging Sub-Suppliers. The total maximum available subsidy of the CCS Fund is DKK 28,659,200,000.00 (2025-prices, including VAT and including potential derived tax losses (in Danish: “afledt afgiftstab”)) covering the period from (and including) 2029 to (and including) 2044. The CCS Fund shall cover potential derived tax losses that stem from the award of Contract(s) to tenderers who will avoid national CO2 related taxes by capturing and storing their CO2 emissions. As such, the total available annual funds depends on the composition of the final contract recipient(s). The total available annual funds for the period 2029-2044 can, at most, be DKK 1,791,200,000.00 (2025-prices, including VAT). The value stated in section 2.1.3 is the total available funds of the CCS Fund and thus including VAT and including potential derived tax losses. The Subsidy will be paid per tonne CO2 captured and stored in accordance with the Contract. The Offered Rate per tonne CO2 will be adjusted throughout the contract period as described in Appendix 5, Subsidy and economy scheme. The DEA will award one or more Contract(s) dependent on the available funds based on the received offers. The Contract is not divided into predefined lots. The DEA considers that the funds are deployed most efficiently with Contract(s) covering the full Value Chain, in order to realize the required CO2 emission reductions and/or negative emissions, and by leaving the award of one or more Contracts to the market’s ability to capture and store different quantities of CO2 (with a minimum of 100,000 tonnes annually from 2030-2044) within the available funds. THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS The granting of subsidy under the CCS Fund constitutes State aid for climate and environmental protection and is prepared following the European Commission’s Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022 (CEEAG). The designation of the Contract(s) as a services contract in this contract notice etc. does not change this. The competitive bidding process will be conducted as a negotiated procedure in accordance with the rules and principles of section II of the Danish Public Procurement Act. The DEA will notify the CCS Fund to the European Commission as an aid scheme in accordance with the procedure prescribed by Article 108 of Treaty on the Function of the European Union (TFEU), and the granting of subsidy and conclusion of one or several Contracts under the CCS Fund is dependent on the European Commission’s prior approval. See further the Tender Specifications, paragraph 3. The negotiation process is expected to be conducted with one negotiation round. See further the Tender Specifications and Appendix B. See the Tender Specifications, paragraph 6, regarding the requirement methodology. It is emphasised that all requirements that are not Minimum Requirements may be subject to negotiation and may be changed or withdrawn during the tender procedure according to the DEA’s decision. Thus, the DEA encourages all economic operators who can comply with the Minimum Requirements (and fulfil the minimum requirements for participation, see section 5.1.9) to apply for prequalification, even if the economic operator cannot comply with all General Requirements. Also see the Tender Specifications paragraph 14.2 and Appendix B, regarding the expected topics for negotiation.
Procedure identifier : 1a229ef4-885b-4058-bf20-1fd85e519a08
Internal identifier : -
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure : Reference is made to section 2.1 and the tender documents. The DEA will not pay a participation fee to the tenderers.

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 90700000 Environmental services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90720000 Environmental protection

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : The captured and stored CO2 shall originate from Denmark. All NUTS code for Denmark applies: DK0, DK01, DK011, DK012, DK013, DK014, DK02, DK021, DK022, DK03, DK031, DK032, DK04, DK041, DK042, DK05, DK050

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 28 659 200 000 Danish krone

2.1.4 General information

Additional information : Participation in the tender procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the DEA. For access to the procurement documents, the candidate must be registered or register as a user. If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. Reference is made to the Tender specifications for information concerning questions and answers. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate encounters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail, dksupport@eu-supply.com , or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14. Section 134a of the Danish Public Procurement Act shall apply to this tender procedure. As its application, the candidate must submit an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven). It is not necessary for the candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating operator. Where the candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which it relies. Refer to “Guide to the ESPD – How to complete in Digitale Udbud” for information on how to complete the ESPD. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the DEA intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151-152, cf. section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the DEA a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, issued by the competent authority. The DEA only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. It should be noted that the procurement is subject to Regulation (EU) No. 2022/2560 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market. As of 12 October 223, applicants are obliged to submit, as part of their application, a notification/declaration concerning any financial contributions received from third countries, see Article 29 of the Regulation. Prequalified applicants will be obliged to update the notification/declaration upon submission of tender. The DEA will select the number of candidates by applying the selection criteria stated in this contract notice, unless the DEA receives no more than the stated number of compliant requests for participation. It should be noted that each candidate may only submit one application for prequalification. The DEA may use the procedure of section 159(5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act in the event that applications or tenders do not comply with the formal requirements of the tender documents. Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended, which applies to the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian-controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the precise definition of the operators that are subject to the prohibition). The DEA reserves the right to require at any time during the tender process that the economic operators prove that they are not subject to the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the place of establishment and ownership of the economic operators and any subcontractors. The DEA expects to hold an information meeting prior to the deadline for submission of request to participation. See the Tender Specifications section 9 for further information. Regarding section 5.1.12: Please note the deadline for receipt of requests to participate is in Danish local time. Regarding section 5.1.3: The Contract has a duration of approx. 15-16 years of operation (in addition to the prior pre-construction and construction phases), depending on whether the tenderer offers to capture and Store CO2 in 2029.
Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU
Danish Public Procurement Act - Reference is made to section 2.1

2.1.6 Grounds for exclusion

Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Bankruptcy : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Corruption : see section 135(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Arrangement with creditors : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Participation in a criminal organisation : see section 135(1), para (1) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Money laundering or terrorist financing : see section 135(1), para (5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Fraud : see section 135(1), para (3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings : see section 135(1), para (6) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Insolvency : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Assets being administered by liquidator : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure : see section 136, para (3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure : see section 136, para (1) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure : see section 136, para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Guilty of grave professional misconduct : see section 136, para (4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Payment of social security contributions : see section 135(3) and section 137(1), para (6) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Business activities are suspended : see section 137(1), para (2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Payment of taxes : see section 135(3) and section 137(1), para (6) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities : see section 135(1), para (4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : Tender for Contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage
Description : THE CCS FUND With the agreement on a strengthened framework for CCS in Denmark (in Danish: “Aftale om styrkede rammevilkår for CCS i Danmark”) of 20 September 2023, a majority of the Danish Parliament decided to merge the second phase of the CCUS fund and the GSR fund into one combined fund, the “CCS Fund”. In June 2024, a political decision was made to deploy the CCS Fund through one single competitive bidding process. This call for tenders concerns the deployment of the CCS Fund. The purpose of the CCS Fund is to achieve CO2 emission reductions and/or negative emissions by Storing Fossil CO2 and/or Biogenic CO2 or Atmospheric CO2. The overarching aim of the CCS Fund is thus to contribute to the realization of Denmark's climate targets as outlined in the Danish Climate Act (in Danish: “Klimaloven”). THE CONTRACT(S) The Danish Energy Agency (the DEA) wishes to enter into one or more contract(s) pursuant to which the recipient(s) of the subsidies (each recipient “the Operator”) shall ensure and be responsible for achieving the CO2 emission reductions and/or negative CO2 emissions (“the Contract”). As described in the tender documents, the Operator shall each year from 2030 until (and including) 2044 capture and permanently, geologically store a fixed quantity of CO2 (“Annual Quantity”). The Operator may also offer to capture and Store CO2 from 1 January 2029 at the earliest until (and including) 31 December 2029 (“2029-Quantity”). The Operator may base their project on CO2 capture from one point source or direct air capture plant, a combination of point sources or direct air capture plants or a portfolio of several point sources or direct air capture plants. The Operator may be any economic operator or a group of operators willing to assume the responsibility for achieving the CO2 emission reductions and/or negative CO2 emissions in accordance with the Contract by performing the Contract by itself and/or by engaging Sub-Suppliers. The total maximum available subsidy of the CCS Fund is DKK 28,659,200,000.00 (2025-prices, including VAT and including potential derived tax losses (in Danish: “afledt afgiftstab”)) covering the period from (and including) 2029 to (and including) 2044. The CCS Fund shall cover potential derived tax losses that stem from the award of Contract(s) to tenderers who will avoid national CO2 related taxes by capturing and storing their CO2 emissions. As such, the total available annual funds depends on the composition of the final contract recipient(s). The total available annual funds for the period 2029-2044 can, at most, be DKK 1,791,200,000.00 (2025-prices, including VAT). The value stated in section 2.1.3 is the total available funds of the CCS Fund and thus including VAT and including potential derived tax losses. The Subsidy will be paid per tonne CO2 captured and stored in accordance with the Contract. The Offered Rate per tonne CO2 will be adjusted throughout the contract period as described in Appendix 5, Subsidy and economy scheme. The DEA will award one or more Contract(s) dependent on the available funds based on the received offers. The Contract is not divided into predefined lots. The DEA considers that the funds are deployed most efficiently with Contract(s) covering the full Value Chain, in order to realize the required CO2 emission reductions and/or negative emissions, and by leaving the award of one or more Contracts to the market’s ability to capture and store different quantities of CO2 (with a minimum of 100,000 tonnes annually from 2030-2044) within the available funds. THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS The granting of subsidy under the CCS Fund constitutes State aid for climate and environmental protection and is prepared following the European Commission’s Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022 (CEEAG). The designation of the Contract(s) as a services contract in this contract notice etc. does not change this. The competitive bidding process will be conducted as a negotiated procedure in accordance with the rules and principles of section II of the Danish Public Procurement Act. The DEA will notify the CCS Fund to the European Commission as an aid scheme in accordance with the procedure prescribed by Article 108 of Treaty on the Function of the European Union (TFEU), and the granting of subsidy and conclusion of one or several Contracts under the CCS Fund is dependent on the European Commission’s prior approval. See further the Tender Specifications, paragraph 3. The negotiation process is expected to be conducted with one negotiation round. See further the Tender Specifications and Appendix B. See the Tender Specifications, paragraph 6, regarding the requirement methodology. It is emphasised that all requirements that are not Minimum Requirements may be subject to negotiation and may be changed or withdrawn during the tender procedure according to the DEA’s decision. Thus, the DEA encourages all economic operators who can comply with the Minimum Requirements (and fulfil the minimum requirements for participation, see section 5.1.9) to apply for prequalification, even if the economic operator cannot comply with all General Requirements. Also see the Tender Specifications paragraph 14.2 and Appendix B, regarding the expected topics for negotiation.
Internal identifier : 1

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 90700000 Environmental services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90720000 Environmental protection

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : The captured and stored CO2 shall originate from Denmark. All NUTS code for Denmark applies: DK0, DK01, DK011, DK012, DK013, DK014, DK02, DK021, DK022, DK03, DK031, DK032, DK04, DK041, DK042, DK05, DK050

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Duration : 15 Year

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 28 659 200 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Reserved participation : Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Information about previous notices :
Identifier of the previous notice : 769507-2023
Additional information : Participation in the tender procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the DEA. For access to the procurement documents, the candidate must be registered or register as a user. If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. Reference is made to the Tender specifications for information concerning questions and answers. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate encounters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail, dksupport@eu-supply.com , or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14. Section 134a of the Danish Public Procurement Act shall apply to this tender procedure. As its application, the candidate must submit an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven). It is not necessary for the candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating operator. Where the candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacities of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which it relies. Refer to “Guide to the ESPD – How to complete in Digitale Udbud” for information on how to complete the ESPD. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the DEA intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151-152, cf. section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the DEA a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, issued by the competent authority. The DEA only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. It should be noted that the procurement is subject to Regulation (EU) No. 2022/2560 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market. As of 12 October 223, applicants are obliged to submit, as part of their application, a notification/declaration concerning any financial contributions received from third countries, see Article 29 of the Regulation. Prequalified applicants will be obliged to update the notification/declaration upon submission of tender. The DEA will select the number of candidates by applying the selection criteria stated in this contract notice, unless the DEA receives no more than the stated number of compliant requests for participation. It should be noted that each candidate may only submit one application for prequalification. The DEA may use the procedure of section 159(5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act in the event that applications or tenders do not comply with the formal requirements of the tender documents. Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended, which applies to the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian-controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the precise definition of the operators that are subject to the prohibition). The DEA reserves the right to require at any time during the tender process that the economic operators prove that they are not subject to the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the place of establishment and ownership of the economic operators and any subcontractors. The DEA expects to hold an information meeting prior to the deadline for submission of request to participation. See the Tender Specifications section 9 for further information. Regarding section 5.1.12: Please note the deadline for receipt of requests to participate is in Danish local time. Regarding section 5.1.3: The Contract has a duration of approx. 15-16 years of operation (in addition to the prior pre-construction and construction phases), depending on whether the tenderer offers to capture and Store CO2 in 2029.

5.1.9 Selection criteria

Criterion :
Type : Economic and financial standing
Name : Equity
Description : The candidate must submit the European Single Procurement Document ("ESPD") with the following information: - The candidate’s equity as at a date no later than 12 months before the deadline for submission of requests for participation The candidate may rely on the economic and financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the minimum suitability requirement. The operator(s) making its/their economic and financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment, see further in the Tender specifications. The form is enclosed as an Appendix to the Tender specifications. The candidate is requested to submit the letter of commitment with its application for prequalification. The ESPD serves as provisional documentation that the candidate fulfils the minimum suitability requirement in respect of economic and financial capacity. Before the award decision is made, the candidate to whom the DEA intends to award the contract must submit documentation that the information stated in the ESPD is accurate. The DEA intends to ask the candidates to provide documentation for their fulfillment of the minimum requirement concerning financial and economic standing after prequalification. Upon the DEA’s request, the following documentation of economic and financial capacity must be submitted: A) The candidate’s audited annual report/financial statement (in Danish: årsrapport/årsregnskab) or excerpts thereof for the latest financial year, if i) publication of annual reports/financial statements is required under the law in the country in which the candidate is established and ii) the end of the latest financial year is a date no later than 12 months before the deadline for sub-mission of requests for participation or B) any other documentation regarding the amount of equity which the DEA deems to be appropriate where the candidate is unable to present the documents requested by the DEA for a valid reason. Such valid reason may be e.g. where the candidate is a newly established company and an audited annual report/financial statement has not yet been presented (in Danish: “aflagt”) or where the end of the financial year is a date later than 12 months before the deadline for submission of requests for participation. In such case the candidate may submit a declaration from an auditor regarding the amount of equity as at a date no later than 12 months before the deadline for submission of requests for participation. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), the information and documentation must be submitted for each participating operator in the group. Where an operator relies on the economic and financial capacity of other entities (e.g. a parent company, a sister company or a sub-supplier), information and documentation for such other entities must be provided as well. Minimum requirement: As a minimum requirement, a positive (above zero) equity as at a date no later than 12 months before the deadline for submission of requests for participation is required. If the candidate is the parent company of a group of companies (i.e. the same legal group) or the candidate is relying on the economic and financial capacity of such a parent company, the equity may be based on the financial figures of the consolidated financial statement of the group of companies. “The same legal group” shall be defined as entities covered by directive 2013/34/EU (directive on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings) art. 22 (1). If the candidate is an intermediate parent company (i.e. the parent company of a ‘sub-group’ of companies) or the candidate is relying on the economic and financial capacity of such an intermediate parent company, the equity may be based on the financial figures of the consolidated financial statement of the ‘sub-group’ of companies. If the candidate is relying on the capacity of one or more entities, the equity is to be calculated as the total equity of the candidate and the supporting entities. If the candidate and the supporting entity/entities have consolidated financial statements, the equity is to be calculated based on such consolidated financial statements. The candidate and supporting entities should provide the information necessary in the ESPD, part IV, section B, to allow for correct calculations. If the candidate is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium), the equity is to be calculated as the total equity of the participating economic operators. If any of the participating economic operators (in the consortium) have consolidated financial statements, the equity is to be calculated based on such consolidated financial statements. The economic operators in question should provide the information necessary in the ESPD, part IV, section B, to allow for correct calculations.
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates
Description : If more than 10 candidates fulfill the minimum requirements regarding economic and financial capacity and are not covered by any of the applicable exclusion grounds, the selection of candidates invited to tender will be based on an evaluation of the following criteria: - Which candidates have demonstrated the most relevant experiences with planning and/or operating CCS activities (carbon capture, transport and storage), including e.g. demonstration projects, pilot projects and research projects. In the assessment of which candidates have documented the most relevant experiences, the extent to which the experiences, in total, document relevant experience with carbon capture, transport and/or storage will be considered, and emphasis will be put on the purpose and scope of the project(s), the total budget of the project(s) and the result of the project(s). The candidates shall document their fulfilment of the criterion by providing a list with descriptions of their experiences with CCS activities. The descriptions should include: Project title, purpose and scope, total budget for the project, start and end date and result of the project. The descriptions shall not collectively exceed 30,000 characters including spaces. If the descriptions exceed 30,000 characters, the DEA will base its assessment on the first 30,000 characters. - Which candidates have demonstrated the most relevant experiences with acquiring and establishing plants or platforms and/or modifying or expanding plants or platforms and commissioning hereof. The plant(s)/platform(s) or the modification/expansion of the plant(s)/platform(s) must have been commissioned in the latest 15 years before the expiry of the deadline for application for prequalification. In the assessment of which candidates have documented the most relevant experiences, the extent to which the experiences, in total, document relevant experience with acquisition and establishment / the modification or expansion of the plant(s)/platform(s) will be considered, and emphasis will be put on the purpose and scope, the total budget and the result of the acquisition and establishment / the modification or expansion of the plant(s)/platform(s). The candidates shall document their fulfilment of the criteria by providing a list with descriptions of such acquisitions and establishments, modifications / expansions and commissioning of plants/platforms. The descriptions should include: Name of the plant/platform, purpose and scope, total budget, the result / impact of the acquisition and establishment / the modification or expansion of the plant(s)/platform(s) and the commissioning date. The descriptions shall not collectively exceed 30,000 characters including spaces. If the descriptions exceed 30,000 characters, the DEA will base its assessment on the first 30,000 characters. To the extent, that the same matter demonstrates experience with both CCS activities and acquiring and establishing plants or platforms and/or modifying or expanding plants or platforms and commissioning hereof, the candidate may include the same matter in its list with description under each selection criteria, i.e. the matter must be described under both selection criteria. The candidate must submit information regarding the candidate’s fulfillment of the abovementioned selection criteria in the ESPD, part V. The candidate may rely on the technical and professional of other operators to fulfil the selection criteria. The operator(s) making its/their technical and professional capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment, see further in the Tender specifications. The form is enclosed as an Appendix to the Tender specifications. The candidate is requested to submit the letter of commitment with its application for prequalification. The ESPD serves as provisional documentation that the candidate fulfils the selection criteria. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the DEA intends to award the Contract must submit documentation that the information stated in the ESPD is accurate. No additional documentation of the selection criteria will be required from the candidate. However, the DEA reserves the right to contact the candidate or relevant third parties for verification of the information stated in the descriptions.
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure :
Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 10
Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 10

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Subsidy
Description : Reference is made to Appendix A
Weight (percentage, exact) : 80
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Project maturity
Description : Reference is made to Appendix A
Weight (percentage, exact) : 20
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.11 Procurement documents

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Terms of submission :
Electronic submission : Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted : English
Electronic catalogue : Not allowed
Variants : Not allowed
Tenderers may submit more than one tender : Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of requests to participate : 25/03/2025 12:00 +00:00
Terms of contract :
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes : No
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract : Reference is made to the tender documents including appendix 7 (Code of Conduct). If the Contract is awarded to a group of operators (e.g. a consortium), the participants of the group must undertake joint and several liability and appoint a joint representative.
A non-disclosure agreement is required : no
Electronic invoicing : Allowed
Electronic ordering will be used : no
Electronic payment will be used : yes
Financial arrangement : The tenderers shall with their first Indicative Offer and Best and Final Offer submit a declaration of intent regarding a performance and warranty guarantee. Prior to the signing of the Contract(s) the tenderer(s) who is awarded a Contract shall provide the DEA with an unconditional and irrevocable on-demand Performance and Warranty Guarantee issued by a Guarantor in favour of the DEA. Reference is made to the tender documents.
Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at www.retsinformation.dk) , the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: Complaints of not having been selected must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 20 calendar days, see section 7(1) of the Act, from the day after submission of notification to the candidates concerned of the identity of the successful tenderer where the notification is accompanied by an explanation of the grounds for the decision in accordance with section 2(1), para (1) of the Act and section 171(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Other complaints of award procedures, see section 7(2) of the Act, must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the contracting entity has entered into a contract. The deadline is calculated from the day after the day when the notice was published. Not later than at the time of lodging a complaint with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant must notify the contracting entity in writing that a complaint has been lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the complaint was lodged during the standstill period, see section 6(4) of the Act. In cases where the complaint was not lodged within the standstill period, the complainant must furthermore indicate whether a suspensory effect of the complaint has been requested, see section 12(1) of the Act. The e-mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is klfu@naevneneshus.dk . The Complaints Board’s own complaints procedure is available at https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning/.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system
Electronic auction : no

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
TED eSender : Mercell Holding ASA

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : The Danish Energy Agency (DEA)
Registration number : 59778714
Postal address : Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
Town : København V
Postcode : 1577
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Tina Schøn
Telephone : +45 33926700
Roles of this organisation :

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registration number : 37795526
Postal address : Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Town : Viborg
Postcode : 8800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 72405600
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registration number : 10294819
Postal address : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Town : Valby
Postcode : 2500
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 41715000
Internet address : http://www.kfst.dk
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0004

Official name : Mercell Holding ASA
Registration number : 980921565
Postal address : Askekroken 11
Town : Oslo
Postcode : 0277
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : eSender
Telephone : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internet address : http://mercell.com/
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : a5c6c99b-5e0d-4166-a9d8-d7775fc321dc - 01
Form type : Competition
Notice type : Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 07/10/2024 05:04 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 07/10/2024 07:30 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00604064-2024
OJ S issue number : 196/2024
Publication date : 08/10/2024