Railway Systems Procurement for the HS2 Project – Operational Telecommunication and Security Systems (Forming Part of Phase 1 and Phase 2a of the HS2 Project)

The operational telecommunications and security systems scope comprises: data transmission network (DTN), operational telephony system (OTS), tunnel radio system (TRS), telecommunication masts, GSM-R radio network, including base transmission stations (BTS), antenna, etc. relocatable equipment buildings (REBs), route wide security systems and passive provision for Airwave. This includes without limitation the …

CPV: 32000000 Rundfunk- und Fernsehgeräte, Kommunikations- und Fernmeldeanlagen und Zubehör, 34940000 Eisenbahnmaterial, 35120000 Überwachungs- und Sicherheitssysteme und -einrichtungen, 45230000 Bauarbeiten für Rohrleitungen, Fernmelde- und Stromleitungen, für Autobahnen, Straßen, Flugplätze und Eisenbahnen; Nivellierungsarbeiten, 45234100 Bauarbeiten für Eisenbahnlinien, 45314300 Kabelinfrastruktur, 50200000 Reparatur, Wartung und zugehörige Dienste in Verbindung mit Luftfahrzeugen, Eisenbahnen, Straßen und Schifffahrt, 51100000 Installation von elektrischen und mechanischen Einrichtungen, 71320000 Planungsleistungen im Bauwesen, 71334000 Dienstleistungen im Bereich Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik
Railway Systems Procurement for the HS2 Project – Operational Telecommunication and Security Systems (Forming Part of Phase 1 and Phase 2a of the HS2 Project)

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : HS2
Activity of the contracting entity : Railway services

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Railway Systems Procurement for the HS2 Project – Operational Telecommunication and Security Systems (Forming Part of Phase 1 and Phase 2a of the HS2 Project)
Description : The operational telecommunications and security systems scope comprises: data transmission network (DTN), operational telephony system (OTS), tunnel radio system (TRS), telecommunication masts, GSM-R radio network, including base transmission stations (BTS), antenna, etc. relocatable equipment buildings (REBs), route wide security systems and passive provision for Airwave. This includes without limitation the design, manufacture, supply, installation, safety authorisation, testing, commissioning and maintenance (until take-over by the Employer) and on-going technical support services of the operational telecommunication systems and route wide security systems. A separate contract will also be awarded for the provision of technical support services.
Procedure identifier : e9063210-308e-4140-812e-075a849bf18a
Previous notice : 290781-2020
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure :

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Extra-Regio NUTS 3 ( UKZZZ )
Country : United Kingdom
Additional information : English

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Directive 2014/25/EU

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : Railway Systems Procurement for the HS2 Project – Operational Telecommunication and Security Systems
Description : The operational telecommunications and security system (Op Comms) package of work comprises the following: Data Transmission Network (DTN) Provide a fibre-optic bearer and internet protocol (IP) for high-speed, high-bandwidth, high-availability and low-latency data transmission circuits, designed to meet BS EN 50159:2010 Category 2 (open network) standards and manage the provision of operational systems. Operational telephony system A fixed-line voice communication network to support the operation of HS2, including a private branch exchange (PBX), voice recorder and call logger systems. Tunnel radio system Provide radio systems to end users within the HS2 tunnels: GSM-R and Fireground; and Emergency services network (ESN) and mobile network operator (MNO) services (subject to a separate procurement exercise). Telecommunication towers Design, construction and installation of the radio towers to support radio network coverage across the HS2 open route for the following radio technologies: GSM-R, MNO and ESN. Relocatable equipment buildings (REB) Provide for DTN, GSM-R, line of route security and third-party telecommunications systems. This will include building, fire and access control systems, which will be integrated into the HS2 engineering management system. Route wide security Delivery of electronic security measures along the HS2 line of route: perimeter protection, video surveillance, access control, intruder detection; Selecting and leading integration of the security applications; and Providing access control locks, intrusion prevention systems and structures such as camera masts. GSM-R radio access network A GSM-R radio communication system that will support both voice and data communications along the HS2 route, including points of transition with Network Rail infrastructure and at HS2 depots. Network Rail, under contract with HS2 Ltd, will undertake all works necessary within the GB GSM-R core (network switching sub-system and base station controller) to extend and upgrade the national GSM-R system, including general packet radio services (GPRS). Interface management responsibilities Lead in the technical integration of shared telecommunication systems. During construction, testing and commissioning, the Op Comms Contractor will act as HS2’s technical authority for any radio frequency transmission equipment installed on HS2 infrastructure. System integration facility (SIF) Responsible for the DTN and GSM-R systems that are required in the SIF and a specific control, command and signalling (CCS) Integration laboratory. Both the SIF and the CCS Integration Laboratory will be in HS2 Ltd buildings provided and fitted-out by others. Cabling and cable protection Design, supply and install: Fibre optic cable, tunnel radiating cable, coaxial feeder cable, structure data cable and other cables as required, all power cabling from equipment to a local distribution board, all secondary cable containment and cable management from trackside equipment to the primary cable containment provided by others, cabling protection and suitable fire rating and labelling. Civil engineering works Design and provide all minor civil engineering works required for the telecommunications and security trackside equipment, concrete bases, masts, mast bases, ducting, equipment fixings, equipment housings and lineside buildings such as REBs where appropriate. Maintenance and technical support services Undertake maintenance of all equipment provided within this package between the date of installation and take-over of the works by the employer and, as required, undertake temporary operation, including making systems and facilities available to support the installation and testing of other railway systems and HS2 rolling stock. Provide ongoing technical support and spares supply to the maintainer, under a separate technical support services contract for a minimum period of 8 years.

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
Additional classification ( cpv ): 32000000 Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 34940000 Railway equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 35120000 Surveillance and security systems and devices
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45234100 Railway construction works
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45314300 Installation of cable infrastructure
Additional classification ( cpv ): 50200000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71320000 Engineering design services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71334000 Mechanical and electrical engineering services

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Camden and City of London ( UKI31 )
Country : United Kingdom
Additional information : English

5.1.4 Renewal

Maximum renewals : 0

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : HS2 Ltd will incorporate a standstill period of a minimum of 10 calendar days at the point that information on the award of the contract and the reasons for the award decision are communicated to tenderers.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Mediation organisation : High Court
Review organisation : High Court
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : HS2
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : HS2
TED eSender : Publications Office of the European Union

6. Results

Value of all contracts awarded in this notice : 189 515 306,04 Pound sterling

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0000

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : Siemens Mobility Limited
Tender :
Tender identifier : Siemens Mobility Limited
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0000
Value of the tender : 189 515 306,04 Pound sterling
The tender is a variant : no
Subcontracting : Yes
Subcontracting value is known : no
Subcontracting percentage is known : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : D&B: C1000_3865, TSC: C1000_3876
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 20/12/2024
The contract is awarded within a framework agreement : no

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders submitted electronically
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 4

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : HS2
Registration number : 06791686
Postal address : High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd, Two Snowhill, Queensway
Town : Birmingham
Postcode : B4 6GA
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Birmingham ( UKG31 )
Country : United Kingdom
Contact point : HS2 Procurement
Telephone : +44 2079476000
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : High Court
Registration number : 09000140
Postal address : Royal Courts of Justice, Strand
Town : London
Postcode : WC2A 2LL
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Camden and City of London ( UKI31 )
Country : United Kingdom
Telephone : +44 20794760000
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation
Mediation organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Siemens Mobility Limited
Registration number : 00016033
Town : London
Postcode : NW1 2PL
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Camden and City of London ( UKI31 )
Country : United Kingdom
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0000

8.1 ORG-0000

Official name : Publications Office of the European Union
Registration number : PUBL
Town : Luxembourg
Postcode : 2417
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Luxembourg ( LU000 )
Country : Luxembourg
Telephone : +352 29291
Internet address : https://op.europa.eu
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : c17a8890-d5c9-4206-bfc2-3c4ba6977065 - 01
Form type : Result
Notice type : Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 20/01/2025 17:21 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00043573-2025
OJ S issue number : 15/2025
Publication date : 22/01/2025