Provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services.
Kildare County Council Parks Department requires the provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services in individual contracts as the need arises over a three year period. Kildare County Council Parks Department requires the provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services …
Ireland-Kildare: Tree-maintenance services
2023/S 046-134636
Social and other specific services – public contracts
Prior information notice - This notice is a call for competition
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: N/A
Postal address: Aras Chill Dara
Town: Co. Kildare
NUTS code: IE062 Mid-East
Postal code: Devoy Park
Country: Ireland
Contact person: Jack McGauley
Telephone: +353 45980337
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services.
Kildare County Council Parks Department requires the provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services in individual contracts as the need arises over a three year period.
Co. Kildare
Kildare County Council Parks Department requires the provision of tree pruning, tree removal, tree shredding and stump grinding services in individual contracts as the need arises over a three year period.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Tenderers must demonstrate more than 5 years relevant experience in relation to the specific tasks outlined including Health and Safety management and tree maintenance works.
Tenderers must be in a position to provide evidence of relevant insurance cover, tax clearance and retention of sufficient machinery, equipment and suitably qualified staff.
Conditions as per sample contract included in tender documents.
Section IV: Procedure
This tender competition is for the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for tree maintenance works. Qualifying tenderers will be invited to tender for individual works contracts over the duration of the DPS (3 years).
Section VI: Complementary information
Postal address: The Four Courts, Dublin 7
Town: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland
Telephone: +353 18886000
Town: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Country: Ireland