Möbel für ärztliche Zwecke
Medical furniture for the health trusts in Norway - Dynamic purchasing system
Dynamic purchasing system for entry into purchasing agreements for medical furniture for the health trusts in Norway. The dynamic procurement scheme will be established as a supplement to existing framework agreements. The scheme includes the following product categories: Psychiatry beds Intensive care beds Birthing beds Stretchers Ceiling-mounted person-lifts Stainless steel …
Norway-Vadsø: Medical furniture
2023/S 022-061860
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 916879067
Postal address: Postboks 40
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 9811
Country: Norway
Contact person: Postmottak Sykehusinnkjøp
E-mail: post@sykehusinnkjop.no
Telephone: +47 78950700
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/195181775.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.sykehusinnkjop.no/
Section II: Object
Medical furniture for the health trusts in Norway - Dynamic purchasing system
Dynamic purchasing system for entry into purchasing agreements for medical furniture for the health trusts in Norway.
The dynamic procurement scheme will be established as a supplement to existing framework agreements.
The scheme includes the following product categories:
Psychiatry beds
Intensive care beds
Birthing beds
Ceiling-mounted person-lifts
Stainless steel tables
Shelves and bookcases for medical equipment
Work chairs for the medical environment
Qualification applications are to be delivered for each lot.
Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/195181775.aspx
1 Psychiatric beds
This categories concerns psychiatric beds for institutions. The beds must be suitable for hard use. Varying levels of functionality. In psychiatric institutions, a combination of several bed varieties is often used. Procurements in this category can reflect that. It may therefore also be applicable to use simple bed variants that are suited to the purpose.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
2 Intensive care beds
This category includes beds for intensive care units and similar units. Varying levels of functionality.
The price level in this category is considered to be particularly varied, based on which requirements are set regarding the functionality of the beds.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
3 Birthing beds
Beds for giving birth. Mainly used in birthing units. Large procurements may be made or procurements of individual beds.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
4 Stretchers
Stretchers for use in the emergency department. To be used as beds for short periods in some hospitals. Various requirements for functionality.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
5 Ceiling-mounted person lifts
The category concerns Ceiling-mounted person lifts and the equipment required to have a complete system. Examples include lift motors, rails, junctions, brackets, stays and approved slings. Design of the equipment in the building where the equipment is to be installed can also be included in the purchase.
The health trusts have a national framework agreement for wheeled patient lifts.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
6 Stainless steel tables
This category concerns stainless steel tables to be used for examinations, etc. Various requirements have been set.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
7 Shelves and bookcases for medical equipment
This category concerns shelves and bookcases for medical equipment.
Both equipment trolleys with drawers and permanent bookcase fixtures with shelving or drawers.
Various requirements have been set.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
8 Work chairs for the medical environment
Work chairs for laboratories, etc. Various height, seat and arm support setups. Requirements for hygiene in laboratories, etc. This does not include standard office chairs, as these are covered by a framework agreement.
The dynamic purchasing system will, as a starting point, run until 2033, subject to changes in the duration of the purchasing system. See the Public Procurement Regulations (PPR), § 26-5 (3). The contracting authority is allowed here to shorten or extend the purchasing system's duration.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
See the qualification provisions, point 5.1.
See the qualification provisions, point 5.2.
See the qualification provisions, points 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Postal address: Postboks 54
Town: Vadsø
Postal code: 9811
Country: Norway
E-mail: ost-finnmark.tingrett@domstol.no
Telephone: +47 78786450