Magnet Joint Qualification System (Magnet JQS)
Prequalification scheme notice for A/S Norske Shell and Equinor Energy AS. This notice is for the procurements that A/S Norske Shell and Equinor Energy AS make in their roles as technical service providers for Gassco AS in Norway. Pre-qualification system for Gassco AS in its role as Operator of the …
Norway-Stavanger: Construction work
2023/S 120-379019
Qualification system – utilities
This notice is a call for competition
Section I: Contracting entity
National registration number: 930 623 903
Postal address: Fjordpiren Laberget 22
Town: Stavanger
NUTS code: NO0A1 Rogaland
Postal code: 4020
Country: Norway
Contact person: Tove Elin Henriksen
Telephone: +47 93837575
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Magnet Joint Qualification System (Magnet JQS)
The Norwegian continental shelf
Prequalification scheme notice for A/S Norske Shell and Equinor Energy AS. This notice is for the procurements that A/S Norske Shell and Equinor Energy AS make in their roles as technical service providers for Gassco AS in Norway.
Pre-qualification system for Gassco AS in its role as Operator of the Norwegian gas transmission system with terminals / facilities in Norway, Germany, Belgium, France and Great Britain.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Qualification requirements that tenderers must fulfil
- Register your company in Magnet JQS
- Complete general company information.
- Complete contact information (primary contact).
- Product(s) and/or service(s) must be registered and in status 'actual'.
- Completed and reviewed Capabiltiy Assessment dated within the last 365 days.
Procedure used to check the requirements
If there is uncertainty or doubt about the stated qualification requirements for registration in Magnet JQS, the respective tenderer can be contacted for clarification.
The tenderer's prequalification status in Magnet JQS is for 12 months (365 days), assuming that the Capability Assessment (IOGP 423-01) has been completed and/or updated in the same period.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Enquiries can be sent directly from the operator companies that are considering to make procurements.
Postal address: Bergelandsgate 10
Town: Stavanger
Country: Norway