Überwachung von Rohrleitungen
In line Inspection Services for Hydrogen transport pipelines
In Line inspection services to detect and size two-dimensional anomalies such as cracks and crack like anomalies in natural gaspipelines including subsequent related reporting. Subject pipelines differ in diameter from 12 up to and including 48 inch and encompass lengths from several kilometers to lengths in excess of 110 km. …
Netherlands-Groningen: Pipeline-inspection services
2023/S 180-564483
Qualification system – utilities
Section I: Contracting entity
National registration number: 152182772
Postal address: Concourslaan 17
Town: Groningen
NUTS code: NL Nederland
Postal code: 9727 KC
Country: Netherlands
Contact person: PC Kesteloo
E-mail: p.c.kesteloo@gasunie.nl
Telephone: +31 631037074
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.gasunie.nl
Section II: Object
In line Inspection Services for Hydrogen transport pipelines
In Line inspection services to detect and size two-dimensional anomalies such as cracks and crack like anomalies in natural gaspipelines including subsequent related reporting.
Subject pipelines differ in diameter from 12 up to and including 48 inch and encompass lengths from several kilometers to lengths in excess of 110 km.
Per tender under the qualification system technical details of the subject pipelines will be provided.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
- Minimum requirements
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Postal address: Postbus 781
Town: Groningen
Postal code: 9700 AT
Country: Netherlands
E-mail: info.rechtbanknoordnederland@rechtspraak.nl
Telephone: +31 883614444
Internet address: http://www.rechtspraak.nl