Improvement and maintenance of system for emissions from residential wood combustion (2025-2029)

The Norwegian Environment Agency intends to enter into a contract with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) for updating figures for emissions from wood burners to air from fuelling air pollution and climate gases (CO, CH4, PM10, PM2.5, BC, PAH, N2O, NOx, CO2, NMVOC, OC, SO2). The update shall …

CPV: 90710000 Umweltmanagement, 90711400 Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Umweltfolgenabschätzung in anderen Bereichen als dem Bausektor, 90713000 Beratung in Umweltfragen
Improvement and maintenance of system for emissions from residential wood combustion (2025-2029)

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Miljødirektoratet
Legal type of the buyer : Central government authority
Activity of the contracting authority : Environmental protection

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Improvement and maintenance of system for emissions from residential wood combustion (2025-2029)
Description : The Norwegian Environment Agency intends to enter into a contract with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) for updating figures for emissions from wood burners to air from fuelling air pollution and climate gases (CO, CH4, PM10, PM2.5, BC, PAH, N2O, NOx, CO2, NMVOC, OC, SO2). The update shall be based on the method described in THE NILU report 19/2020 "MetVed v.2.0 Improvement and update of the MetVed emission model for residential wood combustion". The new contract shall run for five years and it shall include an annual update of emissions for the years 2024-2028, as well as any recalculation of emissions from previous years, in the event of a change of method, emission factors or other input data. Particular consideration shall be given to updating emission factors for wood-burning stoves based on the latest factors from SINTEF. A tender contest will not be implemented as the update is based on a method and tool developed by NILU as described in the NILU report 19/2020. The assignment with this report was awarded NILU in 2020 after an open tender contest in which NILU was the only tenderer to submit a tender. NILU is therefore the only known supplier who can implement the update without extensive preparatory work. This is an intention notice in accordance with the public procurement regulations § 21-5 and § 25-3 with a 10 day deadline, and the contracting authority will not enter into a contract until at the earliest 10 days after this notice is published on Doffin/TED. The value of the contract is NOK 250,000 per annum for five years, with a total value of NOK 1,250,000.
Procedure identifier : 080acf5a-26ab-4f49-b3e1-acbd6ca028af
Internal identifier : 2020/5535
Type of procedure : Negotiated without prior call for competition

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 90710000 Environmental management
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90711400 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country : Norway
Anywhere in the given country

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : Improvement and maintenance of a system for fuel emissions.
Description : The Norwegian Environment Agency intends to enter into a contract with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) for updating figures for emissions to air from fuelling air pollution and climate gases (CO, CH4, PM10, PM2.5, BC, PAH, N2O, NOx, CO2, NMVOC, OC, SO2). The update shall be based on the method described in THE NILU report 19/2020 "MetVed v.2.0 Improvement and update of the MetVed emission model for residential wood detector". The new contract shall run for five years and it shall include an annual update of emissions for the years 2024-2028, as well as any recalculation of emissions from previous years, in the event of a change of method, emission factors or other input data. Particular consideration shall be given to updating emission factors for wood-burning stoves based on the latest factors from SINTEF. A tender contest will not be implemented as the update is based on a method and tool developed by NILU as described in the NILU report 19/2020. The assignment with this report was awarded NILU in 2020 after an open tender contest in which NILU was the only tenderer to submit a tender. NILU is therefore the only known supplier who can implement the update without extensive preparatory work.
Internal identifier : 2020/5536

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 90710000 Environmental management
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90711400 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction
Additional classification ( cpv ): 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country : Norway
Anywhere in the given country
Additional information :

5.1.6 General information

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : no

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Trøndelag tingrett

6. Results

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0000

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : NILU
Tender :
Tender identifier : Forbedring og vedlikehold av løsning for vedfyringsutslipp
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0000
The tender was ranked : no
Subcontracting value is known : no
Subcontracting percentage is known : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : 2020/5535
The contract is awarded within a framework agreement : no

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Miljødirektoratet
Registration number : 999601391
Postal address : Brattørkaia 15B
Town : Trondheim
Postcode : 7010
Country : Norway
Contact point : Marianne Stålaker
Telephone : +47 40827554
Roles of this organisation :

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Trøndelag tingrett
Town : Trondheim
Country : Norway
Telephone : 73542400
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : NILU
Town : Kjeller
Country : Norway
Telephone : 63898000
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0000

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 1282fc28-426b-4948-ab24-f1715cf30665 - 01
Form type : Direct award preannouncement
Notice type : Voluntary ex-ante transparency notice
Notice dispatch date : 14/01/2025 11:55 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 14/01/2025 12:04 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00029247-2025
OJ S issue number : 10/2025
Publication date : 15/01/2025