Dynamic purchasing system - purchase of used furniture and equipment for the project - new administration premises
Trondheim municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS/DIO) for used furniture and equipment for the project - new administration premises at Trondheim torg. In late autumn 2026, Trondheim municipality will move into newly renovated and remodelled office premises …
Norway-Trondheim: Furniture
2023/S 163-515715
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 942110464
Postal address: Erling Skakkes gate 14
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 7004
Country: Norway
Contact person: Vibeke Klock Fleten
E-mail: flet@trondheim.kommune.no
Telephone: +47 72540000
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/209387662.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: https://www.trondheim.kommune.no/
Section II: Object
Dynamic purchasing system - purchase of used furniture and equipment for the project - new administration premises
Trondheim municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS/DIO) for used furniture and equipment for the project - new administration premises at Trondheim torg. In late autumn 2026, Trondheim municipality will move into newly renovated and remodelled office premises at Trondheim torg.
The purpose of the procurement is to cover the need for the purchase of used office furniture for the administration premises in Trondheim torg and possibly in the interim locations in the years leading up to the relocation.
See the attached qualification documentation with attachments, as well as in the Mercell portal for more information.
Trondheim municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS/DIO) for used furniture and equipment for the project - new administration premises at Trondheim torg.
In late autumn 2026, Trondheim municipality will move into newly renovated and remodelled office premises at Trondheim torg. From the end of 2026, a total of 21 municipal units will be combined in the new office premises at Trondheim Torg. Trondheim municipality rents the premises at Trondheim torg from DNB. For a period of up to 3 years, before relocation, all units will be spread out in different office premises in and around Trondheim city centre.
The purpose of the procurement is to cover the need for the purchase of used office furniture for the administration premises in Trondheim torg and possibly in the interim locations in the years leading up to the relocation. It is expected that the interim locations will be furnished mainly with furniture that Trondheim Municipality already owns. There may be a need to purchase some used office furniture throughout the waiting period.
The premises that Trondheim municipality will have at its disposal at Trondheim torg will be approx. 23,000 m2. Trondheim municipality will work in activity-based premises in both interim locations and permanent office premises at Trondheim square.
Trondheim municipality does not currently have an exact overview of its furniture needs. The work on the floor plans for Trondheim square is in the very early stages, and furnishing plans cannot be expected in 2024 and/or during 2025.
With this in mind, we have prepared a list of furniture categories from which it would be relevant to request used furniture. What we know currently is that there will be a minor need for the procurement of office desks than, for example, different types of lounge furniture. No used office chairs will be procured. A canteen and canteen furniture will be supplied by the lessor.
The dynamic purchasing system is valid until 01.04.2027. However, please note that the contracting authority is free to terminate the system by announcement at any time before the above date.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Tax and VAT certificate. Tenderers must have their tax and VAT payments in order in the country where they are established. The certificate must not be older than 6 months from the tender deadline.
Norwegian tenderers who are not subject to VAT must present confirmation of this from the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Foreign tenderers must provide certificates from equivalent authorities to the Norwegian authorities.
Tenderers must be registered in a company register or a trade register in the country where the tenderer is established. Norwegian companies: Company registration certificate
Foreign tenderers: Verification that the tenderer is registered in a trade or business register as prescribed by the law of the country where the tenderer is established.
Licencing: Applicable to tenderers of used furniture: Tenderers must have a licence from the police to conduct trading activities involving the purchase of used and discarded items with the intent to sell, cf. § 2 of the Second-Hand Trade Act. - Authorisation from the police.
- Enter the date when the company was established or the tenderers started their business
- Tenderer’s credit rating, not older than 6 months when calculated from the application deadline. The evaluation will be based on the last known fiscal figures with an indication of how the credit rating has developed during the last three years. The evaluation must be issued by a company with a credit information licence from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. See www.datatilsynet.no . The result of the credit appraisal shall be stated as a categorised score (letter of number) against a defined scale.
Recently established tenderers must substantiate the financial capacity for the implementation of the assignment or other documentation, e.g. accounting figures and a bank guarantee.
The tenderer's establishment date: If the turnover data (in total or specific) is not available for the entire requested period, please state the date on which the company was established or the tenderers started their business.
Requirement: Tenderers must have the economic and financial capacity to carry out the assignment. Tenderers must be creditworthy, Score A. Creditworthiness against a guarantee is not accepted. For recently established tenderers, a certificate showing score A/N is sufficient.
Overview of the most important deliveries of goods or services that the tenderer has carried out in the last three years for the sale of used furniture, together with information about the contract value, delivery date or execution date and the name of the recipient.
Documentation (to be provided in the following ways): Description of the company's procedures regarding quality management, with emphasis on quality assurance, resource management, managements' responsibility, the manufacturing process and continual analysis and improvement. If a tenderer holds an ISO 9001:2008 certificate (or newer version), such a certificate will be accepted as documentation of compliance with the qualification requirement.
Tenderers must complete Annex 3 - Environmental self-declaration. If the entire business is ecolabeled with a type 1 ecolabel, such as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel or equivalent, this will also be approved as documentation for this requirement. Then section 1 in Appendix 3 - Environmental self-declaration must be completed for the ecolabel, with the name of the certification and its license number
Experience: Tenderers must have experience from similar assignments. For newly founded tenderers, it is sufficient that the proposed key personnel have experience from equivalent assignments.
Quality assurance system: A good and well-functioning quality assurance system is required for the services that will be provided.
The concept of a quality management system is that i.a, the tenderer is aware of quality objectives, planning, security, handling of deviations, quality improvement and data security.
Environment management system: Systems and procedures are required that ensure a low environmental impact when carrying out the delivery.
The environmental management system must, amongst other things ensure continual improvement of:
- the organisation’s competence in relation to environment and safety
- the service's climate effect.
The contracting authority requires that the tenderer's wages and working conditions are in accordance with generally applicable collective agreements or national collective agreements for the area covered by the contract. Wage and working conditions are in this context defined as provisions on minimum working hours, wages, including overtime supplements, shift and rota supplements and inconvenience supplements and coverage of expenses for journeys, food and lodgings, to the degree that such provisions are in the tariff agreement. In its procurement regulations, Trondheim municipality has decided that requirements for pay and working conditions also apply to subcontractors. When the tender is submitted, the tenderer must confirm that the sub-contractor complies with the requirements. Tenderers and relevant subcontractors must, when requested during the contract period, substantiate compliance with the wages and working conditions of employees who contribute to completion of the contract. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to carry out necessary sanctions if the tenderer or any subcontractor(s) do not comply with the contract clauses.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: Trondheim
Postal code: 7004
Country: Norway