Dynamic purchasing system for welfare technology
Ikomm AS is owned by Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal, Indre Østfold, Nesodden, Våler, and Østre Toten municipalities. Ikomm delivers IT services to the owner municipalities and other contracting authorities. Several other municipalities are currently in a process where the result may be that they also become owners and service recipients in …
Norway-Lillehammer: Patient-monitoring system
2023/S 001-000918
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 991335846
Postal address: Vormstuguvegen 40
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 2464
Country: Norway
Contact person: Karl Erik Steinbakk
Telephone: +47 61050600
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Dynamic purchasing system for welfare technology
Ikomm AS is owned by Lillehammer, Øyer, Gausdal, Indre Østfold, Nesodden, Våler, and Østre Toten municipalities. Ikomm delivers IT services to the owner municipalities and other contracting authorities. Several other municipalities are currently in a process where the result may be that they also become owners and service recipients in Ikomm.
Through this announcement, Ikomm intends to establish a dynamic purchasing scheme for welfare technology that will cover the needs of the owner municipalities.
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Digital security alarms, as well as associated platform and software technology
It is expected that the contracting authority's owner municipalities will need mobile security alarms. This means technology that is intended to increase and secure the service recipient's freedom of movement and independence, especially in and outside their own home.
The category also includes software, such as platforms or apps and for managing and monitoring said security alarms.
Since welfare technology is in constant development and this purchasing scheme has a long duration, the content of the category may change over time based on what is considered to be suitable aids at any given time which, by means of notifications/alarms, are intended to give users an increased degree of security in relation to everyday activities.
The category is intended for tenderers who can deliver devices and/or software within the definition above.
Digital patient signalling systems and monitoring systems
The contracting authority's owner municipalities are expected to have a need for modern digital patient signalling systems and monitoring systems.
Such systems include solutions associated with digital monitoring and associated sensors such as access control, mobile notifications, colleague notifications and camera capabilities, including platforms and applications associated with such systems.
Primarily, such systems are intended to be used in nursing homes, but the category is not limited to use in institutions. There may also be requests that relate to functionality that is adapted and intended for use within services associated with care homes, residential and service centres, the home service and other relevant municipal housing offers.
The category encompasses more complex systems than stand alone units. Meanwhile, units that could be covered by other categories individually (such as security alarms) could also be part of a more complex procurement in this category.
Providers that will qualify for this category must document relevant experience within comprehensive deliveries related to such systems, and it is not sufficient to have relevant expertise only with individual units or elements.
Electronic medicinal dispensers
It is expected that the contracting authority's owner municipalities will need "smart" medicine dispensers that can, for example, notify users when medicine is to be taken, control the dispensing of medicine and give feedback to, for example, home nurses if the user does not take the assigned medicine. The purpose is to help users to take the right medicine in the right amount and at the right time, as well as to provide an overview for the user and aid device of which medicines have actually been taken at what times.
The category also includes associated software and equipment within the same purpose.
The category also includes new technology, which will not necessarily be called "medicine dispensers", but which assists/helps users in relation to the use of medicines and medications.
Technology for locating and monitoring users
The contracting authority's owner municipalities may possibly need technology that contributes to increasing the quality of life, independence and sense of security of users who need assistance and care from the public, using technology that can, among other things, locate and monitor the users.
This can be any technology that falls within the definition above and is not covered by other categories.
Here, different types of deliveries can contribute to fulfilling the qualification requirement for related experience, and the list is placed somewhat lower than for the other categories that require very specific types of deliveries.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: Gjøvik
Postal code: 2801
Country: Norway