Softwareprogrammierung und -beratung
Dynamic purchasing scheme - System, web and test developer - new announcement 2023
Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Digdir) [the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency] would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the directorate's need for consultancy services within the discipline system, web and test developer. The need for consultancy services is, among other things, related to national joint systems, but there is also be a …
Norway-Oslo: Software programming and consultancy services
2022/S 246-710411
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 991825827
Postal address: Lørenfaret 1C 0585 Oslo
Town: Oslo
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 0114
Country: Norway
Contact person: Siri Ringheim Heggenes
Telephone: +47 41530981
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Dynamic purchasing scheme - System, web and test developer - new announcement 2023
Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Digdir) [the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency] would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the directorate's need for consultancy services within the discipline system, web and test developer. The need for consultancy services is, among other things, related to national joint systems, but there is also be a need for consultancy support for assignments and projects connected to the directorate's main functions.
This scheme will replace the previously established scheme for the same subject area.
NB: this is one of several disciplines where Digdir has established a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for consultancy services.
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Digdir invites interested tenderers to apply for inclusion in the purchasing system. Inclusion in the purchasing system does not involve a procurement obligation for Digdir, or a delivery obligation for suppliers. A contract will not be signed before a contest has been held under the system.
The first qualification round will last for 30 days. The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency cannot, therefore, start to hold contests under the system until 30 days have elapsed and we have assessed all applications for admission received within the deadline.
Estimated value
The estimated combined value of all contracts that can be entered into through the duration of the scheme is up to NOK 150 million excluding VAT.
The purchasing system can be extended. Extensions will be announced.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: OSLO
Country: Norway