Systemberatung und technische Beratung
DPS - Content Management Systems (CMS)
The aim of this DPS is to procure a modern, cloud-based CMS where separate logical entities can be established for the contracting authority's different websites. Agreements shall be established that are flexible and scaleable regarding managing both a normal situation and any future crisis. The CMS shall have rich functionality …
Norway-Trondheim: Systems and technical consultancy services
2022/S 248-719564
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 994598759
Postal address: Abels gate 9
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 7030
Country: Norway
Contact person: Avdeling anskaffelser
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
DPS - Content Management Systems (CMS)
The aim of this DPS is to procure a modern, cloud-based CMS where separate logical entities can be established for the contracting authority's different websites.
Agreements shall be established that are flexible and scaleable regarding managing both a normal situation and any future crisis. The CMS shall have rich functionality for 'out of the box' management of both content and websites and be established in such a way that it can later be used on several websites or content sources.
This DPS involves licences for the purchase of CMS platform, operation, maintenance and implementation of the solution. Ongoing consultancy services will not be covered by the DPS but will be provided on NHN's other DPS for consultancy services.
This DPS includes four lots:
- Cloud services
- Operations and maintenance
- Licence
- Assistance in implementation
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Dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of licences for the CMS platform
The DPS shall cover the need for purchase of licences for the CMS platform.
Can be extended upon need.
Dynamic purchasing system for cloud service for the CMS platform
The DPS shall cover the need for purchase of cloud services for the CMS platform.
Can be extended upon need.
Dynamic purchasing system for operation and maintenance services for the CMS platform
The DPS shall cover the need for purchase of operation and maintenance services for the CMS platform
Can be extended upon need.
Dynamic purchasing system for assistance with implementation of the CMS platform
DPS for assistance in implementation of the CMS platform
Can be extended upon need.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Registered in a trade register or company register.
Tenderers must have sufficient economic and financial capacity to fulfil the contract. Creditworthiness with no requirement for guarantees will be sufficient to meet the requirement.
Documentation requirement: A credit rating based on the most recent fiscal figures. The rating must be carried out by a credit rating agency with a licence to provide such service. The rating must not be older than 3 months from the application deadline. If a tenderer has valid reasons for not being able to provide the documentation requested by the contracting authority, the tenderer can document his economic and financial capacity by presenting any other document that the contracting authority deems suitable. If a tenderer relies on another company´s capacity to fulfil the requirement for economic and financial standing, this company must submit documentation as stated above, in addition to a signed commitment statement, which explicitly states that the company has joint and several liability for the execution of the contract.
Requirement 1: The tenderer must have valuable experience from corresponding contracts. Documentation requirement: Description of the tenderer’s most relevant assignments in the last 3 years, including information on the contract value, the date of delivery or execution, and the name of the recipient. Contact information for the contracting authority’s reference person who can verify the information given.
Requirement 2: Tenderers shall have sufficient capacity to fulfil the contract. Capacity refers to available personnel with relevant expertise for the execution of the different lots.
Documentation requirement 1: Description of the tenderer’s most relevant assignments in the last 3 years, including information on the contract value, the date of delivery or execution, and the name of the recipient. Contact information for the contracting authority’s reference person who can verify the information given.
Documentation requirement 2: A description of the technical personnel or technical units, particularly those who are responsible for quality control at the tenderer's disposal.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: 0164 Oslo
Country: Norway
Town: Oslo
Country: Norway