Dienstleistungen von Architektur-, Konstruktions- und Ingenieurbüros und Prüfstellen
Digital Aerial Ortho Imagery in Iceland
The project is to create a high-resolution, accurate, country-wide mosaic of ortho images. Contractor(s) would be responsible for acquiring aerial imagery, processing, and mosaicking of imagery. Landmaelingar (LMI) would be responsible for prioritizing mapping areas, quality-checking data, and housing and distribution of the data and data products. The expected duration …
Iceland-Reykjavik: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
2023/S 074-221591
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 6601694749
Postal address: Borgartun 7c
Town: Reykjavik
NUTS code: IS Ísland
Postal code: IS-105
Country: Iceland
Contact person: Katrín Arnórsdóttir
E-mail: adalbjorg.k.arnorsdottir@rikiskaup.is
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.rikiskaup.is/
Section II: Object
Digital Aerial Ortho Imagery in Iceland
The project is to create a high-resolution, accurate, country-wide mosaic of ortho images. Contractor(s) would be responsible for acquiring aerial imagery, processing, and mosaicking of imagery. Landmaelingar (LMI) would be responsible for prioritizing mapping areas, quality-checking data, and housing and distribution of the data and data products. The expected duration of the project is 3 – 5 years, with mapping campaigns during summers (July – August - September).
The project is to create a high-resolution, accurate, country-wide mosaic of ortho images. Contractor(s) would be responsible for acquiring aerial imagery, processing, and mosaicking of imagery. Landmaelingar (LMI) would be responsible for prioritizing mapping areas, quality-checking data, and housing and distribution of the data and data products. The expected duration of the project is 3 – 5 years, with mapping campaigns during summers (July – August - September).
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: Reykjavik
Country: Iceland