It is a minimum requirement for technical and professional ability that applicants have experience from similar projects, see definition of “similar” projects below. The applicant must have experience from at least 2 similar projects which have been completed within the last 10 years calculated from the date of the prequalification deadline (completion means handover in accordance with AB/ABT 18 or similar set of rules). As preliminary evidence of the minimum technical and professional capacity, the applicant shall provide a maximum of 6 references in its ESPD that individually or collectively meet the minimum requirement. If an applicant includes more than 6 references, Metroselskabet will only assess the 6 newest (in years) references determined based on the time of completion, see above. “Similar” projects mean: (1)Projects showing experiences with design and constructions of metros, viaducts, railways and/or bridges crossing water (2) Projects showing experiences with early contractor involvement, where the applicant is part of a team consisting of a design consultant and an executing contractor who, together with the client, develop and finalize the project based on a project tendered on an early basis before the transition to the execution phase; (3)Projects showing experiences which includes architectural solutions for the structures mentioned above and/or structures of a similar complexity to a station (major schools, major buildings with public access, other public transport facilities), and where there has been focus on climate impact in overall concept design. The references should include the following information: a)Client for the project, b)Start and completion date, c)Total contract value of the entire project in euros excluding VAT, d)The fee paid to the applicant for the services, e) Short description of the project including the type of construction and the nature of the services – delivered. The services delivered could include active use of digital building models, digital tools, data in planning of the project, the design of the project and in the construction phase, use of open book during collaboration, monitoring carbon reductions through all phases of the project f)The applicant´s role in the project, (e.g. consultant, lead consultant, sub-consultant, design build contractor, general contractor, subcontractor) Metroselskabet has assessed that similar projects with a handover date within the last 5 years calculated from the date of the prequalification deadline does not provide a sufficient basis for competition, as similar projects are rarely procured. Thus, the references may include projects completed within 10 years, see above. Each reference must not exceed 3 A4pages. If a reference exceeds more than 4 A4pages Metroselskabet will disregard any pages above 3 A4pages. If more than 3 applicants fulfill the minimum requirements in terms of technical and professional ability and economic and financial capacity,see below, the selection of the applicants who will be invited to participate in the competitive dialogue will be based on an overall assessment of (1) which applicants have documented the most relevant experience based on the above definition of similar projects and based on the economic value and complexity of the projects to the procured contract and on an overall assessment of (2) which 3 applicants will form the most competitive field of tenderers. The information provided by the applicants in the references in the ESPD will constitute the final proof of compliance with the minimum requirement for technical and professional ability and the selection criterion. If an application for prequalification is submitted by a consortium or joint venture, each of the participants in the joint venture or consortium must submit an ESPD containing the information described above. If an applicant relies on another economic entity (supporting entity) for fulfillment of the technical and professional requirements, the supporting entity must submit a declaration of support. Template for declaration of support is included in the tender documentation. Please refer to CR-MS-GEN=NHE-CG-CON-NOT-000001-ATT1 Declaration of Support. The consortium or joint venture must fulfill the minimum requirement, see above.