Kategorie 2 des dynamischen Einkaufssystems für Dienstleistungen zur Bürgerbeteiligung und Beratungsprozesse – Auswahl der Teilnehmer

Category 2 of the Dynamic Purchasing System for Services for Citizen Participation and Deliberation Processes - Selection of Participants

Kategori 2 — udvælgelse af deltagere Under denne kategori vil de deltagende institutioner og organer anmode om fuldt integrerede (med undtagelse af logistisk støtte, der vil være baseret på en anden udbudsprocedure) tjenester vedrørende udformning, metodologi og facilitering af paneuropæiske eller multinationale deltagerorienterede processer, herunder deliberative processer som f.eks. EU-borgerpaneler …

CPV: 79311210 Telefon-Umfragen, 79320000 Meinungsumfragen, 79600000 Personaleinstellung, 98000000 Sonstige gemeinschaftliche, soziale und persönliche Dienste, 98110000 Dienstleistungen von Geschäfts-, Berufs- und Fachverbänden, 98300000 Diverse Dienstleistungen
13. August 2027 18:00
Art der Frist:
Category 2 of the Dynamic Purchasing System for Services for Citizen Participation and Deliberation Processes - Selection of Participants
European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM)

Belgium-Brussels: Category 2 of the Dynamic Purchasing System for Services for Citizen Participation and Deliberation Processes - Selection of Participants

2023/S 154-491384


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2023/S 137-437370 )

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM)
National registration number: EC- /N.A
Postal address: Rue de la Loi 56
Town: Brussels
NUTS code: BE1 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Postal code: 1000
Country: Belgium
E-mail: COMM-C3@ec.europa.eu
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://s2c.mercell.com/buyer/20512
Address of the buyer profile: https://s2c.mercell.com/buyer/20512

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:

Category 2 of the Dynamic Purchasing System for Services for Citizen Participation and Deliberation Processes - Selection of Participants

Reference number: COMM/C3/DPS/2023/0001
II.1.2) Main CPV code
79320000 Public-opinion polling services
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:

Category 2 - Selection of participants

Under this category, participating institutions and bodies will request fully integrated (except logistical support which will rely on another procurement procedure) services related to the design, methodology, and facilitation of pan-European or multinational participatory processes, including deliberative ones such as the European Citizens’ Panels, and ones relying on co-creation techniques, such as those described in the background section.

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice:
VI.6) Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2023/S 137-437370

Section VII: Changes

VII.1) Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: II.1.4)
Place of text to be modified: Short description
Instead of:

Category 2 – Selection of participants.

Under this category, participating institutions and bodies will request fully integrated (except logistical support which will rely on another procurement procedure) services related to the design, methodology, and facilitation of pan-European or multinational participatory processes, including deliberative ones such as the European Citizens’ Panels, and ones relying on co-creation techniques, such as those described in the background section.


Category 2 Selection of participants

Section number: II.2.4)
Place of text to be modified: Description of the procurement
Instead of:

Category 2 – Selection of participants.

Under this category, participating institutions and bodies will request fully integrated (except logistical support which will rely on another procurement procedure) services related to the design, methodology, and facilitation of pan-European or multinational participatory processes, including deliberative ones such as the European Citizens’ Panels, and ones relying on co-creation techniques, such as those described in the background section.


Category 2 Selection of participants

The services relate to the definition and implementation of a methodology for the recruitment of citizens who will be attending and participating to the deliberative or co-creation events.

VII.2) Other additional information: