The contractor is responsible for providing the following work packages and for achieving the corresponding milestones: General tasks (no specific output): - Prepare an annual report every August 31st, following the reporting structure provided by the project M&E specialist. The last report is due at the end of the contract period; - Collect data for project monitoring following the guidance by the project M&E specialist; - Support organization of missions (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, BMZ) to visit the partners; - Preparation of targeted ad-hoc updates for requests (e.g. from BMZ); - Contribute to strategic development of the approach and the partnerships; - Participation in project management and coordination meetings - Ensure information and communication exchange on the activities conducted in the different components of the program - All inventory items shall be listed immediately after procurement in a shared document on MS Teams with project administration staff; - Ensure the provision of services and experts for the implementation of the work packages in these TORs Work package 1: Promotion of Inclusive Business Models Building on the experience of the previous GIZ projects on private sector development, local small and medium-sized enterprises will be identified that are qualified to act as lead companies in the agriculture sector for the integration of smallholder farmers and service providers as regular suppliers of raw material to the company (Inclusive Business Models - InBM). The contractor will support identification and dialogue for partnerships as well as the implementation, which will be along three major lines: 1. Management training - capacity development for company management on business model and plan, outreach structure and communication, product portfolio, introduction of technologies, marketing; 2. Farmer Trainings - entrepreneurial and technical trainings, combined with financial literacy and farmer organization support. Introduction of useful technologies completes this package; 3. Digitization - Advise and support the utilization of company management programs and field applications on the level of lead companies, service providers and, where possible, lead farmers. Work package 2: Bankability of Lead Firms Based on the partnerships defined in in Work Package 1 - Promotion of Inclusive Business Models, the contractor will support selected lead firms and MSMEs with the implementation of skills development measures to improve their bankability with the aim of qualifying for accessing credit products, insurance products and other sources of finance and financial services. This activity will include implementing the capacity development or coaching roadmap and supporting the organization and completion of necessary information required to fulfil eligibility criteria to access grants, loans and/or investment capital according to the needs of the selected lead firms and the MSME. Work package 3: Partnerships with Financial Services Providers to Improve Access to Adapted Financial Products and Services The objective of this work package is to work directly with the financial supply side, institutions providing financial services and products, and with key stakeholders to improve their conditions and availability of adapted financial services to the agricultural sector. The contractor will do a thorough analysis of the regulatory framework, financial institutions and agriculture businesses to design a suitable concept for provision of technical support for financial institutions, targeted at the agriculture market. Based on that, the contractor supports selected partners in the development of financial products and distribution channels, and provides capacity development to the financial service providers. Work package 4: Service Provision The consultants will review tools for strengthening MSMEs in the area of Business Development Service provision for the agriculture sector and develop a strategy on how to promote MSME, emphasizing support for women and youth-led businesses. The contractor will evaluate various available approaches, be they available within GIZ or also within Mozambique (private sector, donors, government). Also business-plan-competitions can be considered. Cooperatives should included in the group of potential service providers that need strengthening. Work package 5: Policy level agricultural finance support via the CIFAM Platform CIFAM is the public-private coordination platform for agricultural financing, led by the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER). GIZ is supporting the secretariat for this platform, which involves the Central Bank, Banking Association, commercial banks, private sector representatives, various ministries and other stakeholders. Within the platform, financial reforms are being discussed, including to credit guarantees, incentive systems, and others. The contractor will support the working groups, development of policy reforms in the agrifinance landscape, and provide technical support in reviewing, commenting, developing, monitoring studies, research and proposals recommended by the CIFAM platform and its members. It will identify and implement capacity building activities for the key stakeholders and members of the CIFAM platform to improve decision-making regarding agrifinance. The work packages are described in more detail in the ToR.